What Makes A Good ELearning Course? 9 Best Practices (2024)

In this digital age, eLearning has become integral to many learners’ lives. Online courses offer a flexible and convenient way to learn, allowing people to study at their own pace, in their own time, and from anywhere in the world. However, as a course creator, you know how difficult it can be to develop successful eLearning courses.So, what makes a good eLearning course? And what are the best practices that you should follow to ensure your courses are of the highest quality?

In this blog post, we’ll explore the characteristics of effective online courses to help you create learning events that engage and inspire your students just as much as they educate them.

What Makes eLearning Successful?

Whether you’re an individual course creator or part of a corporate eLearning team, the first question to ask yourself is, “What makes eLearning successful?”

An excellent eLearning platform does more than inform the learners. It creates an inspiring learning experience that engages and motivates them. The best eLearning experiences are those that challenge learners to achieve their goals, whether that’s acquiring new knowledge, developing new skills, or changing existing behavior. They may also use concepts to solve real-life problems and be critical thinkers in their corporate or individual sphere.

That is why it’s so essential to create eLearning courses that are not only informative but also interactive, engaging, and fun. Luckily, there are several ways to achieve this.

What Makes A Good ELearning Course? 9 Best Practices (1)

9 eLearning Best Practices To Implement Today

While there is no fit-for-all approach to delivering virtual courses, there are a few best practices that online learning should incorporate for the best outcomes. Below, we identify nine key aspects of successful e-learning.

#1 – Identify Clear Learning Objectives

The first step is to identify the primary goal of your course. This involves what your target audience will be able to do or understand after completing the course, which allows you to set learning objectives that are clear and specific.

SMART goals can help with this process by making sure your objectives are:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Realistic
  • Time Bound.

With clear objectives, you can more easily design assessments and activities that align with the course goals and meet the needs of your learners. Suppose you’re developing an SEO course with the specific intent to help your students increase organic traffic to 10,000 visitors per month. In that case, three objectives could be:

  • Do proper keyword research
  • Write two optimized blog posts every week
  • Incorporate a social media strategy for more engagement.

#2 – Provide Intuitive Navigation

A successful e-learning course should offer an excellent user experience (UX). The students are there to master the learning content, not to see your technology expertise. Also, some of your learners are tech unsavvy. As such, if they cannot find a way to move from one lesson to another, their learning will be greatly hindered, and they can be demotivated.

Here are three ways of incorporating intuitive navigation in your online courses:

Minimalistic design. Use as few elements as possible on each screen and make them easy to identify. Think about the placement of each item on the screen. The goal is for the learner to focus on the learning content and not be distracted by the different elements.

Use hyperlinks sparingly. When you do use them, make sure they are visible and easy to find. If possible, use buttons instead of hyperlinks.

Include a clear table of contents. This can be in the form of a menu on the left-hand side or at the top of each screen. The table of contents should be easy to find and use so that learners can quickly jump to the section they want to review.

#3 – Invest in Top-Notch Visual Design

The instructional design you choose should incorporate visual elements to make the learning process more fun and motivating. However, you cannot substitute beauty for substance.

The eLearning design should help you deliver high-quality content in the most sound manner. To do this, consider the following:

Typefaces. Use fonts that are easy to read on all devices. Sans-serif fonts such as Arial, Tahoma, and Verdana are good choices.

Colors. Use a limited color palette and ensure the colors you choose create sufficient contrast so that the text is easy to read. When in doubt, black and white always works!

Images. Use images sparingly and make sure they are high quality and relevant to the learning content. Avoid using clip art as it can be distracting and difficult to read.

What you need to keep in mind are the learning outcomes your content aims to deliver and how best to package it to suit your learners’ needs.

#4 – Curate Expert Content and Resources

Since you want the learning content to help your audience develop the right skills, curating expert content and resources is paramount.

You want high-quality content that:

  • Reflects your values and expertise
  • Resonates with your learners, and
  • Helps them develop the skills they need.

That’s why it is wise to invest in expert content services explicitly targeted at Education and Training providers. This will ensure your learning materials are not only informative, correct, and effective but also engaging, on-brand, and on-point.

Expert content increases your credibility, which is essential for boosting student confidence in your eLearning courses.

#5 – Use Scenario-based Learning and Storytelling

An eLearning course should achieve two essential skills: critical thinking and problem-solving. One possibility to develop such skills is to use scenario-based learning combined with storytelling.

Using a scenario-based approach means giving learners a real-life situation, expecting them to think critically about it and show how they would solve it. This is an excellent way to help learners understand the consequences of their actions and learn from potential mistakes in a safe environment.

Storytelling supports this approach by making the learning content more relatable and easier to remember. When you create online courses that tell a story, you engage learners’ emotions, which in turn leads to better learning outcomes.

#6 – Incorporate a Multi-Media Approach

When creating your course, you should share knowledge in ways that encourage learners to utilize all their sensory organs. For this, you can use text, images, audio, and video to appeal to as many of the five human senses as possible for an engaging eLearning opportunity.

You could also use infographics to present complex data in a simple and easily digestible manner. This can be particularly useful in data-driven industries such as Finance and Accounting.

The outcome of a multi-media eLearning approach is better student performance as more learners grasp the material. This is because your courses accommodate the students’ different learning styles as they weave in kinesthetic, auditory, and visual media elements.

#7 – Include Interactive Learning Elements

Attention span research shows that the average person’s attention span during lectures has decreased significantly. Therefore, it is crucial to make your eLearning course as engaging and interactive as possible.

Here are some helpful tips for creating personalized, interactive learning events:

  • Use quizzes, polls, and surveys to assess learners’ understanding and give them immediate feedback.
  • Include videos, infographics, and other multimedia content to break up the text and add visual interest.
  • Encourage learners to actively participate in the learning process by asking questions, sharing their opinions, and completing exercises.
  • Use simulations, games, and other hands-on activities to help learners apply new knowledge.

By incorporating interactive learning elements, you can create a more engaging and memorable learning experience for your audience.

What Makes A Good ELearning Course? 9 Best Practices (3)

#8 – Offer Recap Opportunities

Repetition is key to learning as it helps with knowledge retention. As you provide multiple recap options, users can build connections between one subject to the next. This helps them grasp the concepts better, which creates better learning outcomes.

You should, therefore, design your training in a learner-centered approach that ensures various recap opportunities. For example, you can:

  • End each section with a quick overview of the most critical points.
  • Include a summary at the end of each lesson.
  • Allow learners to revise the material as often as they like.
  • Encourage them to take notes and refer back to them later.
  • Provide additional resources for further reading.

These techniques help your students retain the information and improve their understanding of the subject matter.

#9 – Build a Constructive Feedback Culture

A constructive feedback culture should be at the center of your course development as it helps you understand your learners’ needs and design a learning experience that meets their requirements.

Always be specific about what kind of information you are looking for when asking for feedback. This practice will help you get more accurate and valuable feedback from your users. Additionally, make sure to request feedback promptly and consider it during the course development process.

Finally, don’t forget to send your students an end-of-course evaluation survey where they can provide detailed feedback about their overall learning experience. This valuable information will help you fine-tune your course and make sure it meets the needs of your learners.

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The Bottom Line

Creating a high-quality eLearning course is not an easy task. It requires careful planning, design, and development. However, by following the tips in this blog post, you can create a successful online course that is learner-centered, engaging, and interactive and thus meets the needs of your audience.

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What Makes A Good ELearning Course? 9 Best Practices (2024)


What makes a good eLearning course? ›

A good eLearning course isn't just about providing information for your learners. Instead, it motivates them. Motivation in eLearning can be achieved by identifying why your learners are taking your courses and tailoring your content to these needs.

What are the ways to make eLearning effective? ›

How To Create Engaging e-Learning: 10 Highly Effective Strategies For e-Learning Professionals
  1. Know Your Learners. ...
  2. Set Clear Learning Objectives. ...
  3. Make Your Learning Programs Interactive. ...
  4. Keep Your E-Learning Courses Organized. ...
  5. Keep Your Learning Modules Short. ...
  6. Make Your E-Learning Course Visually Appealing.

What factors contribute to the effectiveness of eLearning training programs? ›

Key Factors for Successful eLearning Implementation:
  • 1) Clear, Measurable Objectives. You must collect and align all the objectives from the related departments with the project's objectives. ...
  • 2) LMS Implementation Plan. ...
  • 3) Team Leaders and Dates. ...
  • 4) Quality Standards. ...
  • 5) Risk Management Guidelines. ...
  • 6) Training Timetable.

How you can provide practice in eLearning? ›

What are e-learning best practices?
  1. Use learning objectives. ...
  2. Create courses in the right order. ...
  3. Use various course templates to beat the forgetting curve. ...
  4. E-learning design: bite-size is the right size. ...
  5. Follow these basic writing rules. ...
  6. Build a feedback culture. ...
  7. Gather learner input with the Easygenerator NPS feature.

What makes a good course? ›

Most quality standards for online courses consist of similar components. Standards include learning objectives, course activities, and student and teacher interaction. Student perceptions of online class quality are key to designing an effective course.

What three things are necessary to be a successful online learner? ›

What Makes a Successful Online Learner?
  • Persistence. Persistence is perhaps the biggest key to success in online learning. ...
  • Effective Time-Management Skills. ...
  • Effective and Appropriate Communication Skills. ...
  • Basic Technical Skills. ...
  • Reading and Writing Skills. ...
  • Motivation and Independence. ...
  • A Good Study Environment.

What are the success factors of eLearning? ›

It follows that the dominate factors of successful eLearning that emerged from this study are: (1) technology; (2) human; (3) design; (4) support; and (5) evaluation.

How do you build a successful eLearning platform? ›

Step-by-Step Guide for a Successful E-Learning Software Development
  1. Understanding the Target Audience. ...
  2. Choosing Content Strategy. ...
  3. Assessing Budget and Resources. ...
  4. Hiring Dedicated Developers. ...
  5. Choosing Core Technologies. ...
  6. Designing the Platform. ...
  7. Step 7. Development Process.
Mar 15, 2024

What are the key factors in effective learning? ›

8 Essential Factors Affecting Learning Process
  • Motivation and Engagement.
  • Prior Knowledge and Experience.
  • Learning Environment.
  • Teaching Methods and Strategies.
  • Cognitive Abilities.
  • Emotional and Mental Health.
  • Socioeconomic Background.
  • Social Interactions.

What are the key features of an effective training program? ›

Here, we provide five important characteristics of effective training programs that must be kept in mind to ensure the best results in an individual and organizational level:
  • Personalized. ...
  • Inquiry-Based. ...
  • Collaborative. ...
  • Interdisciplinary. ...
  • Networked.

Why is eLearning effective? ›

This multimedia approach increases retention and makes learning way more engaging. Reduced costs and multimedia materials are the ultimate tag team. By trimming unnecessary expenses, you free up resources that can be invested in creating engaging multimedia materials.

How do you implement effective eLearning? ›

Top Tips For Designing Effective eLearning
  1. Choose The Right Format. eLearning programs can be delivered in a variety of formats, such as online courses, webinars, videos, and interactive activities. ...
  2. Create Engaging Content. ...
  3. Use A Learner-Centered Approach. ...
  4. Incorporate Assessments. ...
  5. Provide Support. ...
  6. Evaluate The Program.
Feb 4, 2023

How can I make my eLearning more interactive? ›

Tips on How to Make Online Classes More Interactive
  1. Let People Choose What They Want to Discuss. ...
  2. Combine Different Media Types. ...
  3. Check Students' Progress More Often. ...
  4. Invite Students to Contribute. ...
  5. Give Homework Assignments. ...
  6. Ask Questions During Online Classes. ...
  7. Try Running a Cohort-Based Course. ...
  8. Micro-Learning.
Apr 8, 2023

How do you implement best practices in education? ›

  1. Adapt teaching, based on evidence, to meet the needs of the student.
  2. Check student progress in meeting standards and learning goals.
  3. Actively involve students in assessment to promote continuous learning; and inform students, parents, and others about student achievement.

What could be improved in this eLearning course? ›

7 tips to improve the e-learning experience
  • When possible, record your lessons.
  • Prioritize personal connections.
  • Shorten your presentations.
  • Provide information in multiple ways.
  • Make sure your assignments can be done virtually.
  • Look for free resources.
  • Collect student and parent feedback.
Jan 30, 2024

What is quality in eLearning? ›

QA is the process of verifying that a product or service meets the required standards of quality before it is released to the market. In the context of eLearning, QA ensures that the course content, design, and functionality are of high quality and aligned with the learning objectives and audience needs.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.