What Are Writing Skills? (Plus, 6 Easy Ways to Improve Yours) (2024)

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You don’t need to be the great next American novelist to use writing skills. Writing skills apply to nearly every field, even if you’re not working in a creative career.

At work, writing is a hard skill we use to send informative updates, check in with coworkers, document our work, and more. In this guide, you’ll learn how to improve your writing skills, what jobs you can apply them to, and how to show them off in job applications.

Writing Skills Definition

Writing skills are the skills you use to write effectively and succinctly. A good writer is someone who can communicate their point to their audience without using too much fluff and in a way that the other person can understand.

Writing skills don’t just include the physical act of writing. Skills like research, planning and outlining, editing, revising, spelling and grammar, and organization are critical components of the writing process.

In the workplace, writing skills examples include:

  • Documenting a process for someone else to learn it
  • Summarizing a meeting in an email for all attendees
  • Sharing a team update in Slack
  • Crafting a mass email to send to prospective customers
  • Communicating with a client via email to get action on next steps
  • Creating a presentation to share your findings with your team
  • Drafting a list of questions to a client to learn more about their needs
  • Explaining an unfamiliar concept or term to a stakeholder

Why Are Writing Skills Important in the Workplace?

You don’t need the title “writer” to use writing skills at work. You might be a marketer drafting copy that will entice an audience to join your virtual event or a UX designer trying to nail the best home page text to get people to click the “learn more” button. Maybe you’re an investment banker sharing a status update with your manager or a lawyer communicating with a client over email.

What Are Writing Skills? (Plus, 6 Easy Ways to Improve Yours) (1)

Law School Experience

Want to build your writing skills so you can succeed as a lawyer? Get started by practicing the writing skills you'll need in law school, from legal analysis to case briefing.

Enroll Now

Avg. Time:5-6 hours

Skills you’ll build:Writing analysis, note taking, case dissection, attention to detail

Enroll Now

While my title includes “writer” and one of my main responsibilities is writing articles, I find having good writing skills helps me across every function of my job — not just the parts that are writing new content. It takes good writing skills to write a message that makes sure my coworker understands what I’m trying to say, or to make a presentation that shows my team what I’ve been working on. To me, writing skills are more than just writing articles, but critical to how I effectively communicate, from sharing my ideas and telling my team about our progress to learning about what’s happening at my company.

Writing skills are needed in all workplaces, especially hybrid and remote ones.

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers, written communication skills are a top skill employers look for on student resumes right now.

“We’re seeing that written communication is even more critical than it once was,” Bryana Holcomb, business and success coach, says. “Some of the most important writing skills that every employee should have include grammar, clarity, appropriate tone, and the ability to be concise when needed. One of my favorite memes on social media is the one that says, ‘This meeting could have been an email.’ The caveat to that is in order to skip out on those ‘pointless meetings,’ we have to be able to express our needs, deliverables, roles, etc. clearly and effectively through email.”

Jobs That Use Writing Skills

Almost all jobs use writing skills, just in different ways! Professionals use writing skills in their everyday work to share their ideas, learn about what their coworkers are doing, and get the answers they need to do their job. For example, even if you’re in a technical industry like software engineering, you would use writing skills to tell your team about the progress you’re making or explain technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders.

What other jobs use writing skills, and how?

RoleExample of How They Use Writing SkillsJob Simulation to Practice
MarketerCreating an integrated marketing plan and creative brief for a new digital productlululemon Omnichannel Marketing
LawyerSummarizing key issues in a legal agreement for a clientAllens Commercial Transactions
AccountantDeveloping an internal memo to help senior leadership with a financial inquiryKoch Accounting
SalespersonDrafting an email explaining why a company should choose to buy your productCisco IT Sales
AuditorWriting detailed questions to get insight into company purchasing processesPwC Audit
Customer Support SpecialistCrafting a client email explaining how they can best utilize your product and how you can offer supportBloomberg Client Service
EngineerCreating a PowerPoint presentation to effectively communicate research resultsVerizon Cloud Computing
ConsultantSummarizing findings from your market research for your managerBCG Strategy Consulting

From writing emails to your manager to giving presentations to senior leadership, writing skills are crucial to succeeding at work across every industry.

How to Include Writing Skills in a Job Application

There are two ways to show your writing skills in a job application: first, in your written materials (resume and cover letter) and second, in how you describe your writing skills in the interview.“The best way to showcase your writing skills on a job application or resume is to first have both be well written,” Holcomb says. “This means double-checking for spelling and syntax errors and making sure your thoughts are clear.”

What Are Writing Skills? (Plus, 6 Easy Ways to Improve Yours) (2)

Forage Resume Writing Masterclass

Learn how to write a resume employers want to read with this free masterclass from Forage.

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Avg. Time:5 to 6 hours

Skills you’ll build:Resume writing, professional branding, transferable skills, industry keywords, showcasing outcomes, standing out

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Every written correspondence with the hiring manager is a chance to show off your writing skills. Be concise with no grammatical errors.

In the interview, describe how your writing — an email, copy, report, or essay — led to a specific accomplishment.

“Highlighting the ways you have leveraged writing effectively in your previous experiences is also important,” Holcomb says. “Whether you talk about the sales copy that helped your company land a multi-figure client or the emails you crafted that shifted the company culture for the better, all of your experiences count and should be highlighted.”

What Are Writing Skills? (Plus, 6 Easy Ways to Improve Yours) (3)

Interview Success

Learn how to ace an interview by answering five commonly asked interview questions.

Enroll Now

Avg. Time:4-5 hours

Skills you’ll build:Communication, presentation, public speaking, poise, attention to detail, analytical thinking, problem-solving

Enroll Now

How to Improve Your Writing Skills

1. Start With Your Audience

Before you start writing, think about who you’re writing for. Your audience affects how much context you give, what tone you use, and even the message you want the audience to take away. Ask yourself:

  • Why am I communicating with them, specifically?
  • What information do they already know? What context should I give them, if any?
  • What do I want this person to do after I’ve sent my message?

2. Know the Right Tone

Every industry expects a different level of professionalism. So how do you know how formal to be and what corporate jargon to use?

Start by looking at the job description, company website, and other company communications, including employee LinkedIn posts. Of course, it’s always better to err on the side of formality.

If you want to try your hand at professional writing before you apply, try one of Forage’s free job simulations. Not only will you get a chance to do the kind of work you would in an entry-level role, but you’ll learn how to communicate that work through client emails, email updates to your manager, and more.

3. Get to the Point

“Writing an email is essentially like writing a media pitch and trying to capture the attention of a reporter,” Jamie Levin, communications consultant, says. “Think about it, you have about 11 seconds to capture the attention of your reader, so what’s most important? I can tell you what’s not…unnecessary words, adjectives that don’t add value and taking the time to explain something that would be much better off communicated in a face-to-face conversation.”

Before sending an email, update, or other written communication, challenge yourself to decrease your word count. For example, see if you can make the 200-word email only 150. This exercise will help you know if you have any “fluff” words that might be overcomplicating your writing.

What Are Writing Skills? (Plus, 6 Easy Ways to Improve Yours) (4)

Strategy Consulting

Practice writing a difficult email about a sensitive topic, and work quickly to spot errors in an urgent client email.

Enroll Now

Avg. Time:3-4 hours

Skills you’ll build:Email communication, attention to detail, error spotting

Enroll Now

4. Edit and Proofread

Sometimes, your best editor is your future self. Take a step back after you’ve finished writing something — even if it’s an email — and look back at it five minutes or even an hour later (if you have the time) to edit and proofread.

Don’t be afraid to rely on outside sources to help you catch spelling and grammar errors. Sites like Grammarly can help make your writing error-free and suggest different wording depending on your audience’s knowledge level and the tone you’re aiming for.

5. Seek Outside Support

Holcomb recommends taking advantage of online and in-person classes that can help improve your writing skills.

“While you’re strengthening your skills in courses you can also seek support from people — this can be colleagues, managers, or mentors — by asking them to proof your work and provide feedback before you make your final submissions.”

Feedback is especially important in the job application process. For example, having another set of eyes on your cover letter can help ensure you submit something clear, compelling, and error-free.

6. Don’t Overthink It

While there’s a lot you can do to improve your writing skills, you don’t need to labor over every written communication. In an increasingly virtual world, there are so many emails and messages that you’ll waste valuable time trying to plan, edit, and revise every one.

“Don’t overthink – it’s an email. It shouldn’t take 20 minutes to draft, and then additional 20 minutes spent thinking about how it might be interpreted. Get to the point,” Levin says. “Remember, it’s only an email (or a Teams chat) and it often requires additional elaboration in the form of verbal communication and an open discussion, whether that be in-person or via a video chat.”

Instead, focus on improving your writing and communication skills as a whole. With practice, those short messages will become second-hand nature.

Career Aptitude Test

What careers are right for you based on your skills? Take this quiz to find out. It’s completely free — you’ll just need to sign up to get your results!

Image credit: RF._.studio / Pexels

What Are Writing Skills? (Plus, 6 Easy Ways to Improve Yours) (5)

Written by

Zoe Kaplan→

Senior Writer

Read more from Zoe Kaplan

Zoe Kaplan is a Senior Writer at Forage. Prior to joining Forage, she wrote and edited career and workplace content for Fairygodboss, the largest career community for women.

What Are Writing Skills? (Plus, 6 Easy Ways to Improve Yours) (2024)


What are the top 5 writing skills? ›

Writing skills don't just include the physical act of writing. Skills like research, planning and outlining, editing, revising, spelling and grammar, and organization are critical components of the writing process.

How can I improve my 6 year olds writing skills? ›

Before getting started
  1. Provide a place. ...
  2. Provide the materials. ...
  3. Brainstorm. ...
  4. Encourage the child to draw and to discuss her drawings. ...
  5. Ask your child to tell you simple stories as you write them down. ...
  6. Encourage your child to write her name. ...
  7. Use games. ...
  8. Turn your child's writing into books.

How can I improve my writing skills in year 7? ›

Encourage them to write regularly about everything.

Every few days, your child should write a few sentences or paragraphs about anything. This will help them get over their perfectionism and improve their drafting skills. Create a checklist of the things they should be searching in their work to edit.

How can I improve my writing strength? ›

Remember tense muscles can make handwriting hard work and will tire a child more quickly.
  1. Shoulder stability. Hand Pushes. Place your palms together, with elbows out and forearms held horizontally. ...
  2. Crossing the mid-line. Lazy 8. ...
  3. Wrist strength. Wrist Circles. ...
  4. Thumb and finger strength. Circles. ...
  5. Whole hand. Rolling Pencil.

How can I help my 7 year old improve his writing? ›

5 Tips to Improve Your Child's Handwriting
  1. Get a grip. Handwriting is made that much harder if you don't have the correct grip. ...
  2. Take your time when writing. Is the eraser at the end of your child's pencil almost worn out? ...
  3. Take the pressure off. ...
  4. Draw and play games. ...
  5. Focus on the problem.

How can I improve my 6th grade writing skills? ›

In order to build writing skills, your 6th grader:
  1. Use supporting claims and evidence based on credible texts and resources.
  2. Include an introduction, a conclusion, and transitions.
  3. Integrate other forms of media and formats, such as graphs, charts, headings, audio, or video when appropriate.
Aug 13, 2020

How can I improve my writing from 6 to 7? ›

To achieve 7, it's important to: a) present a clear position from beginning to end b) present points related to your position c) explain and support those points with examples d) finalize with some conclusions. To fulfil these requirements, you should use an essay format.

How can I help my 10 year old write better? ›

Encourage journal writing

Buy a journal for your child and encourage them to make a short daily entry about their day. Talk to them about what they enjoyed doing and ask questions to encourage their thinking.

How do I sharpen my writing skills? ›

Summary: how to improve your writing skills
  1. Brush up on the basic principles of writing, grammar and spelling.
  2. Write like it's your job and practice regularly.
  3. Read more so you develop an eye for what effective writing looks like.
  4. Find a partner. ...
  5. Join a workshop, meetup, or take a writing night class.
May 8, 2024

How can I train myself to write better? ›

8 exercises to improve writing skills
  1. Write every day. ...
  2. Turn long paragraphs into bullet points. ...
  3. Change passive voice into active voice. ...
  4. Use grammar checker tools like Writer. ...
  5. Proof your friend's or colleague's writing. ...
  6. Write fanfiction. ...
  7. Read out loud. ...
  8. Read books on how to write better.

How can I make my writing more effective? ›

Habits of Effective Writers
  1. Habits of Effective Writers. 4/11.
  2. Organize and argue. ...
  3. Be concise. ...
  4. Write what you mean. ...
  5. Write with force. ...
  6. Write for a reader. ...
  7. Revise and rewrite. ...
  8. All of these topics are discussed in detail in “The Essentials of Writing,” Hamilton's on-line style sheet.

How can I get better at writing clearly? ›

Identifying and addressing wordiness in sentences
  1. Eliminate redundant pairs. ...
  2. Delete unnecessary qualifiers. ...
  3. Identify and reduce prepositional phrases. ...
  4. Locate and delete unnecessary modifiers. ...
  5. Replace a phrase with a word. ...
  6. Identify negatives and change them to affirmatives.

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Views: 5646

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Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.