The Daily Word Counts of 19 Famous Writers - Word Counter Blog (2024)

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“We could do extra chores!” said her friend, she had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and dark skin.

“No, that would be to much work. We could do better on our school!” said the boy, he had black hair, green eyes, and light skin.

“Maybe we could do all of those things and be extra polite!” said the girl, she had brown hair, green eyes, and light skin. They all agreed.
The next day they were super polite, did extra chores, and did better on there school. Then Mrs. Smith sent the girl to go pick up the milk she had ordered. So she went down the street, and got the basket full of milk jars, then she saw a girl on the sidewalk, she was in ripped clothes and she had orange hair and her blue eyes were filled with tears. She looked about her age. The Orphan girl went over to her and gave her some milk.

“Thank you, so much!” She said. She was not crying anymore! The Girl went back to the place where she got the milk and got extra, she said it was so she could get a name, and the man was glad to give her some more. When she got back, her friends came running over and hugged her.

“We got our own names!” Said her friend, “My name is Olivia an his is Axel!” Said Olivia, the girl was so happy, she could not wait to get her name! She brought the milk to Mrs. Smith, and she was very happy there was no charge for the extra milk, that she gave the girl a name, it was Jesse!
Later that day there was a play going on in town, and they needed actors. Jesse, Axle, and Olivia knew how to act very well. But there was one problem, the play was passed there bed time, and Mrs. Smith checked on everyone every two hours. So that means that they will have to sneak out. But they need to set up something so that Mrs. Smith will think there still in bed. The Play was Robin Hood, but with the characters as animals. Like the Robin Hood movie from 1973. But as a play and 3 years later. They set up a button that when you stepped on it, it would set of the clock alarm, that Olivia programed to sound like snoring. They snuck out the window and went over to the tent where they were having the play. Luckily it was a kids play, so kids were acting!
In that play, Axel was Robin Hood, Jesse was Maid Marine, and Olivia was the mother of Skippy the rabbit! The cast thought Axle was very funny, because when they were practicing with the weapons Axel hit the wall when everyone else hit the middle of the target, that was funny!
The next day after the play they didn’t tell anybody, because someone might tell Mrs. Smith, and then they might get in trouble. So they kept it a secret and laughed about it all that night.
The next morning Olivia was sent to get some bread for lunch that day. She picked up the bread, and accidentally slipped and fell into someones arms.

“Oh, hello there lil’ Miss.” said the boy, she had fell into some boy’s arms!

“Oh, I’m so sorry for interrupting your stroll.” Said Olivia, she had found a boy! He had very nice clothes on, unlike hers, he had blond hair, and blue eyes!
She had never seen a boy like this before.

“Where are my manners,” he said, “My name is Lukas! What might your name be?” Asked Lukas, Olivia was so lost in “Love Land” that she could almost not even talk!

“I’m, Olivia.” She said staring at his bright happy blue eyes.

“Oh, I must get going. Olivia, when are you coming back here?”

“Next Week!”

“Well, see you then!” He said, walking away down the street. Olivia was so happy, she ran back to the Orphanage to tell her story to her friends.
While she went back to her friends, Lukas went home to his Dad, and told him about her.

“Oh, Dad she’s lovely!” He said, he had been explaining her over lunch!

“Yes, maybe we can figure out where she lives and then you can hang out more, with this Olivia of yours.” Said his Dad.
Back at the Orphanage Olivia was explaining stuff about Lukas.

“Oh, he is the most handsomest boy I have ever met!” She kept saying.

“Hey, what about me!” The girls both looked at him. Everyone at the Orphanage disliked Axle, except for Olivia and Jesse.

“Your not that handsome and we all know that you have never really gotten a girl that liked you back, and plus this is about Olivia, not you Axle.” Said Jesse. What she said was true, he had never gotten a girl that liked him, crush wise. When it was Noon, the kids got to go get three baskets of milk jars. So Jesse, Olivia, and Axel went to go get them. While Axel and Olivia were putting the milk into the baskets, Jesse saw the girl on the side walk.

“Oh, hello again!” She said, Jesse waved back and grabbed her friend’s hands and introduced them to her.

“This is Olivia and Axle, Oh and I’m Jesse.” She said.

“I like your names, I wish I had one.” She said sadly.

“We could give you a name!” Said Jesse, she was thinking a lot about this now. What is her name going to be? “I don’t know what it could be, but I will make sure I find a good one for you!” She said, the girl smiled!

“Can I show you where I live?” Asked the girl.

“Of course!” Said Axel, so she took them down a old alley.

“This is where I live!” She showed them her bed, which was a box, and then she showed them something she called a “secret”.

“Now, don’t tell anyone about this! Or else!” She said,

“Or else, what?” Asked Axel.

“I don’t know, but here is my secret pet, Llama!” She showed them a vanilla colored Llama. She had a blue and pink scarf on. “Her name is Luna, spelled with two Ls.” She said petting the Llama. It was very strange to have a pet Llama, live in an alley, and keep it all a secret from everyone but her new friends. That meant she must be a Orphan too!

“Your an Orphan!” Jesse shouted,

“Yeah, but I really don’t like it very much, the last time I went to a Orphanage, the owner was so mean. I don’t want that to happen again. I had to run away because it was so bad!” She said, sitting in her box bed.

“Maybe you could come to our Orphanage!” Said Olivia, the alley girl smiled, and they brought her to the Orphanage. They told the milk man to take care of Lluna, and he promised that she could see her Llama any time! So the four friends walked to the Orphanage…

Chapter 2 The Rich Family

When the got to the Orphanage with with the alley girl, she stop and hesitated.

“Were am i going to sleep?” she asked looking at Jesse.

“Your going to sleep in our room, no one else is in there except Axel, Olivia, and I!” said Jesse, she didn’t want her to worry so much. So they went in side, and saw Mrs. Smith.

“Well, hello there, now you shale sleep in room 15. I will help you unpack your stuff.” then she looked at her bag, it was a old brown sake, the only things in there were, her stuffed animal Llama, a pencil and note book, and a bandana. “Oh, my! Where is all your stuff?”

“This is it!” she said happily. Then she went upstairs to room 15. They realized that this was not Jesse, Axel, and Olivias room. It was the bullies room! The bullies were so mean and they would totally kick the girls hind.

“Hey, guys look its Bessy and the other stupid heads!” said Mark, he was pretty much the “leader” of the bullies. He pushed the alley girl over and then Jesse, and the rest of them over. They ran out the door and into room 13, where Jesse, Axel, and Olivia slept.

“Oh my goodness, i was petrified in there!” she said, and that gave Jesse an idea.

“Your name will be Petra!” Jesse said happily, she had never felt better then to give her new friend a name!

“Why, because i’m a scaredy cat!” said Petra, annoyed at that time.

“No, Petra is a girls version of Peter!” said Jesse, they all laughed. Jesse and Olivia helped Petra find witch bed she was going to sleep in, while Axle went to get some bread.
When he got there, he saw lots of yummy bread, and he thought, that he might make a friend, or meet someone like Olivia and Jesse did. But he could not find anyone to meet. The milk stand and the bread stand were across the street from each other, so he went over to talk to Lluna while he waited for the bread to be ready.

“Oh Lluna, I wish i could make a friend!” he said sadly, then he saw a blond boy walk by the bread stand asking the baker something.

“Have you seen a dark skinned girl, with black hair in pigtails today?” he said. Axle could not believe it! That was the boy that Olivia met that one day! he ran over to talk to him.

“I have! she lives over there at the Orphanage. I can take you there after i get some bread!” said Axle. of course Lukas had to ask Axle’s name and all, he was really polite, and Axle had never met someone this polite before! They walked and talked, and Axle thought he had made a new friend! they went inside the Orphanage, and into room 13.

“Hey Olivia, guess what Lukas and I have been talking, and he says he is inviting us over for super!” he said, Olivia could not believe her eyes, it really was Lukas!

“Oh, thats awesome! Can Petra come too?” asked Olivia, Lukas looked at Petra like there was a problem with that.

“Sure! The more the merrier!” so he lead them to his house. It was the biggest house the Orphan kids had ever seen! When Lukas rang the door bell, a tall old man opened the door with a smile, he had glasses, gray hair, and blue eyes, Witch made Jesse, interested in the man.

“Hello master Lukas, and friends! What might your names be?” he asked, with a shy smile.

“This is, Jesse, Axel, Petra, and Olivia, the girl i met that one day i told you about!” Lukas said, looking at Olivia. “Oh, this is Mr. Edison Le, he’s the butler!”

“Come inside Master Lukas and friends.” he said, opening the door to a really big house! The Orphans were amazed. Lukas brought them into the dinning room. The table looked like it could fit 10 families at once!

The Daily Word Counts of 19 Famous Writers - Word Counter Blog (2024)


How many words do famous authors write per day? ›

Anthony Trollope, for example, wrote 3,000 words a day (pounding out 250 words every quarter of an hour, timed on his watch), while Graham Greene stuck rigidly to a mere 500, and stopped when he had reached his target, even though he might have been in the middle of a scene.

What's a good word count per day? ›

Some will consider 500 words a great day; others won't be satisfied with anything less than 3,000 words. Some won't worry about their wordcount at all: they'll write for a set period of time instead. All too often, I see writers getting stressed-out by trying to hit some arbitrary word count.

How much does Brandon Sanderson write a day? ›

Sanderson says: “I write about 2,500 words a day, writing at around 500 words an hour. My production is more about being consistent than about being fast. I do tend to write around ten hours a day.

What is the average word count for a writer? ›

Adult fiction should be between 70,000 - 100,000 words and can be up to 150,000 for fantasy and sci-fi books, whereas, for adult nonfiction, the average is between 60,000 and 90,000 words. Children's literature is up to 600 words, with a standard of 32 pages.

How many words does Stephen King say to write a day? ›

In his book On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, King speaks on his writing speed. He would set a daily goal of about 2,000 words. This would add up to about 180,000 words in three months of writing.

How long does Stephen King write every day? ›

Stephen King's typical routine is to write for four hours straight every single day. Sure, he does take the odd day off, but for the most part he writes daily. It works for him.

How long does it take to read 19000 words? ›

If you're a fast reader, you may read at closer to 400 words per minute. This means reading 19,000 words will take you around 0.8 hours.

Who is the most prolific writer of all time? ›

Ryoki Inoue

Brazilian author Ryoki Inoue holds the Guinness World Record for being the most prolific author, with 1,075 books published under many pseudonyms.

What is the average word count for a novel? ›

Average Word Count For A Novel

The average word count for adult fiction is between 70,000 to 120,000 words. For children's fiction, the general rule is the younger the audience the shorter the book, and for YA novels the average is 50,000-70,000 words. Non-fiction word counts sit between 70,000-120,000 words.

How many words is realistic to write in a day? ›

Don't expect anastronomical dailyword count

In fact, we suggest you aim for a thousand words each day – after we have agreed your story plan and made sure you're well prepared.

Who is the author with the highest net worth? ›

1. J.K. Rowling. British author Joanne Rowling, also known as J.K. Rowling, is the richest author in the world with a net worth of $1 billion. Rowling is the author of the hit children's fantasy series “Harry Potter.” The seven-volume series sold over 600 million copies and has been translated into 84 languages.

How much should a writer be paid per word? ›

The average freelance writer makes about $29 per hour, and the average freelance writing rate per word ranges from $0.05-$0.10 for beginner writers, $0.30-$0.50 for intermediate writers, and $1-$1.50 for experienced writers.

How much do most authors write in a day? ›

A good goal for many professional writers is to turn out five to ten pages a day during a four or five day work week. On average, a page equals 250 words set in 12 point Times New Roman. Assume you write 1250 words a week or 5,000 words a month. You would produce about 60,000 words in a year.

Is 500 words a day a lot to write? ›

If possible, it's a good idea to write every day, even if you can't write very much each day. You can set a target, which isn't a hard goal, but which is something to aim for. Some writers are happy with 500 words a day, others with 1,000 words, and some, who write full time, may even strive to write 2,000 words a day.

How many words does the average content writer write a day? ›

Most copywriters typically max out at a 3,000-5,000 word range on a normal day. However, some writers may find themselves producing more or less depending on the amount of work they have and other variables. But generally speaking, this accurately estimates what an experienced full time writer can produce in one day.

Can you write 7500 words in a day? ›

Writing 7,500 words will take about 3.1 hours for the average writer typing on a keyboard and 6.3 hours for handwriting. However, if the content needs to include in-depth research, links, citations, or graphics such as for a blog article or high school essay, the length can grow to 25 hours.

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Author: Rob Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

Address: 5789 Michel Vista, West Domenic, OR 80464-9452

Phone: +97313824072371

Job: Education Orchestrator

Hobby: Lockpicking, Crocheting, Baton twirling, Video gaming, Jogging, Whittling, Model building

Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.