How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (2024)

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How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby hmw »

My 11-year old goes to a private elemenary school. One of the parents is organizing to buy some group Xmas gifts for 4 teachers who teach the kids. I asked her what the suggested amount should be but she wouldn't give me a straight answer. How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (1)

I am thinking about $25 to $50 per teacher so somewhere between $100 to $200 altogether. Am I in the right ball park?



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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Kookaburra »

Are they good teachers?


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (2)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby epicureme »

$25 per teacher seems appropriate. Nationally, burnout is high among teachers whose job is as difficult as it is invaluable. I'd describe this not just as a gift but an investment in something beyond oneself.

[Edit] giving too much to teachers ($50, $100, etc.) could also be problematic; remember, teachers have evaluative authority over your children, and should feel free to provide accurate grades (good and bad) without having to feel indebted by an excessive gift. Best wishes.

Last edited by epicureme on Wed Nov 23, 2022 12:16 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby nanciT »

I think this is very individual and does depend on the teacher.

I am a nurse who actually became a nurse educator in an ROP program my last 12 years.After teaching for a year I nearly left, it was far more difficult and time consuming than I ever imagined. I started to think back on my kids teachers and wished I had appreciated them far more back then. I honestly had no idea how difficult teaching is and standing there with 35 students each day.

My students were all seniors in high school who planned on going into Nursing. Each year about 75% of my students brought gifts of thanks usually at Christmas and year end. Some wrote letters, others small gift cards or small items like a candle. For me, it meant a great deal. I retired last year and I still have students contacting me via email and text keeping me updated on their nursing experiences. I just received an email today from at student in Medical School at Boston Med. He graduated 5 years ago.

My point is if the teacher is one that your student and you appreciate, a small gift is always appreciated.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (3)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Beensabu »

hmw wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 10:52 pmOne of the parents is organizing to buy some group Xmas gifts for 4 teachers who teach the kids.

A group Xmas gift or a cash Xmas bonus?

Sometimes, these parent organizers pocket a bit of cash. I'm pretty sure.

Give what you want. Assume it makes it to the teachers. Or give to them directly.

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby runner3081 »

The room moms collect $30-$50 per student. The teacher walks away with around $500 for Christmas in gift cards/gifts and another $500 for teacher appreciation week.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (4)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby riverant »

runner3081 wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 7:08 amThe room moms collect $30-$50 per student. The teacher walks away with around $500 for Christmas in gift cards/gifts and another $500 for teacher appreciation week.

Private school?

hmw wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 10:52 pmMy 11-year old goes to a private elemenary school. One of the parents is organizing to buy some group Xmas gifts for 4 teachers who teach the kids. I asked her what the suggested amount should be but she wouldn't give me a straight answer. How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (5)

I am thinking about $25 to $50 per teacher so somewhere between $100 to $200 altogether. Am I in the right ball park?


My wife is a Public schoolteacher in a modest/diverse district and has never received cash and I think would be uncomfortable if she did. She does get coffee shop gift cards ($10 or so) or trinkets like water bottles, coffee mugs, magnets, one time we got champagne flutes (? Lol), etc.


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby yoga »

$25 gift card to a place like Target. That way if the teacher is uncomfortable with gifts, it can be used for classroom supplies.

I'm not a fan of group collection but recognize I'm weird.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (6)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby enad »

You're not obligated to give a gift, in fact check with the school first to see if a teacher can legally accept a gift and if so what the amount of the gift can be whether it be an individual or class gift. For more information, check out this article, titled Gifts for teachers are problematic.

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Nowizard »

If it's a group gift with someone organizing it, then the amount you choose. If directly, a GC, as has been suggested in a chosen amount. Definitely, give something to those who have about as much influence on the future of your children as anyone other than family.



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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby oldfatguy »

Our PTO organizes this every year, for the teachers and all the staff. We participate, but at a minimal level.

IIRC, we usually do $20 for each of the teachers our daughter has each day (Math and ELA); $5 for the special subject teachers (Art, Music, PE, Spanish), the school counselor and school social worker, and the lunch/recess monitors; $10 for each of the office and custodial staff. We do not gift the principal.

It adds up quickly.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (8)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby alpenglow »

I'm a middle school teacher in a HCOL area. Gifts are not expected and have become rare these days. When I started teaching 20 years ago, I'd get 30 or so gifts. Now, out of 120 kids, I'll usually get about 10. Most gifts are $5-10, some are $20, and anything more is unusual.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (9)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby daleddm »

As a former public school teacher, anything other than a modest gift certificate for a local store or restaurant would have seemed very awkward to receive. Food items (small baked goods, etc) or something like that far more typical and comfortable ... but then that was some yrs ago.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (10)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby alpenglow »

epicureme wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 11:50 pm[Edit] giving too much to teachers ($50, $100, etc.) could also be problematic; remember, teachers have evaluative authority over your children, and should feel free to provide accurate grades (good and bad) without having to feel indebted by an excessive gift. Best wishes.

No gift amount would ever make me consider compromising my integrity, however, I feel a little uncomfortable getting gifts that are $50+.


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby sureshoe »

+1 to "anything more than $25 is too much". I don't think $50+ gifts "buy influence", but it is just a lot for most people (assuming you're not in some expensive private school where flaunting wealth is half the game).

We have done everything from cards and candy to gift cards, ranging from $1-$25. This should be "the thought that counts". One time my work donated time to a "teacher free store" and we were able to give all the teachers a shopping voucher to that - and it was the one time I got hand written feedback from a teacher saying "thanks". So that's a very creative option if it is at your disposal.


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby SmileyFace »

We used to do $25 gift cards for each teacher to the local book store. But I supposed printed books are not longer the thing they used to be.
The teachers could choose to buy something for themselves or books for the classroom.
I also don't like the "Group Gift" idea. I don't believe it's fair to ask everyone to contribute a certain amount so glad to hear the organizer is not providing a suggested amount. If it were me - I would say "we are doing our own thing" and not contribute - buy my gift cards. If you want to contribute I would do $20 or $25.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (12)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Watty »

This is so awkward! Even and and expensive private school there are likely a number of kids there who are on a scholarship or grant whose parents could not afford to contribute to a group gift like that.

I don't have a good answer.


Gil Gunderson
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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Gil Gunderson »

You should also probably google if there are any state or district imposed limits on gifts. Illinois bans gifts in excess of $100 cumulatively across the year from any single source (it is not clear to me if a PTA or other parent collective is considered a single source). In addition to making things awkward you might actually put the teachers job in jeopardy if they accept the gift.

We usually stick to Starbucks gift cards. Typically do $5-20 - $20 for the teacher, $5-10 for specials (art, music, gym) and others who frequently interact with our kids (bus driver, school secretary). Kids are in elementary - not sure if this will continue in middle / high school (my guess is the kids will eventually be too embarrassed to give their teachers a card).


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Ron Ronnerson »

I’m a public elementary school teacher. $25 gift cards are typical, $50 is generous, and $100 are rare but I do get them at times.

I receive a total of around $1k in gift cards during the year, mostly during the holiday season and for teacher appreciation week. This total amount represents a (very) small percentage of my salary. The contributions of any one parent toward the total are much smaller still. My point is that the sum in question is not significant enough to either make me feel awkward or make me feel indebted to anyone. All it does is make me feel appreciated and happy. It also helps around the holidays when I buy gift cards for the secretaries and custodians at work and give extra money to my housecleaners to show my appreciation to them as well.

A gift is best given with an open heart and not out of some sense of obligation. If you don’t feel like giving a gift, then simply don’t do it. If you choose to, though, you’ll help make the world a little brighter around the holidays.


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Gregoryfo »

I work for the public schools and we have written into our ethics policy that we cannot accept a gift valued at more than $20. It is also in the yearly pre-service compliance training and an email is sent by central office each year after thanksgiving break. I have no idea how a class-wide collection would impact this? I would suggest you check with the school administrator at your child's school.


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Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby happyjuice8000 »

[Merge here - mod mkc]

It's that time of year again. I know many public schools have limits on how much to gift to teachers for the holidays, but any parents of kids in expensive private elementary schools on this forum?

I feel bad that the teacher (who is amazing) works very long days and earns $40k/year in a VHCOL area without the lifetime pension/healthcare of a public school system, as she helps load and unload kids from a parade of cars worth 4x her salary. She is so loving and patient with the children, and she cheerfully answers questions via text/email 24/7/365, buys her own supplies, spends her time at home prepping for class projects, etc. I feel she is underpaid, but obviously I have zero control over that.

Do you think there's an upper limit to what's appropriate? $250? $500? $1000? more?

Note: It's still pass/fail at this grade level, so there's no concern for "buying" grades.


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby mw1739 »

$1000 seems a bit like charity to me vs. a gift. I'm going to guess my wife spent $100 per teacher on gifts this year, which seems reasonable to me. They also send requests or keep Amazon lists for class supplies, which we usually buy a few things from.


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby DoubleComma »

If there is a limit, unlikely that is something we would know vs you simply asking the school administration.

DW is a teacher, the gifts she enjoys the most are things that benefit her class room and a note. For example a gift card to Lakeshore Learning, Target, or other store where teachers are often buying classroom supplies directly. If you provided something like this, in my opinion the limit would be different than if you were giving the teacher cash or a restaurant gift card. I would expect nearly no limit if it directly benefits the classroom and students.

My question for you, is your understanding of this teachers comp accurate? Is there a reason for it, does she not have to be credentialed at this private school? Certainly there are schools that pay less and others that pay more, but $40k for what you describe is crazy low for the VHCOL areas I am familiar with. I don't see how this private school can be sustainable if teachers are being paid 50% of comparable public school teachers (I'm thinking of CA teacher comp).


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (13)

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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby TomatoTomahto »

I think $250 is probably the upper limit of what would not make the teacher uncomfortable.

I’d also ask the expensive private school why the teacher is buying supplies out of pocket? Maybe a Staples gift card in addition to the cash gift if the school doesn’t step up on supplies.

I get the FI part but not the RE part of FIRE.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (14)

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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby Sandtrap »

happyjuice8000 wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:05 amIt's that time of year again. I know many public schools have limits on how much to gift to teachers for the holidays, but any parents of kids in expensive private elementary schools on this forum?

I feel bad that the teacher (who is amazing) works very long days and earns $40k/year in a VHCOL area without the lifetime pension/healthcare of a public school system, as she helps load and unload kids from a parade of cars worth 4x her salary. She is so loving and patient with the children, and she cheerfully answers questions via text/email 24/7/365, buys her own supplies, spends her time at home prepping for class projects, etc. I feel she is underpaid, but obviously I have zero control over that.

Do you think there's an upper limit to what's appropriate? $250? $500? $1000? more?

Note: It's still pass/fail at this grade level, so there's no concern for "buying" grades.

(no money)
Thoughtful handwritten Christmas and Holiday cards with your family picture.

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How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (17)

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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby windaar »

I know a private school teacher and have heard a little about this. For some reason the quantity of gifts is inversely proportional to the grade level; parents of kids in grade school give much more than parents of kids in high school. A $100 gift is considered very generous and appreciated. Much more than that might be awkward or weird, or seen as if a favor is expected. A $20 - $50 Target or Amazon card is always appreciated. Teachers get lots of sweets like expensive candies and cookies, etc., and they don't need more of those. "Number 1 Teacher" coffee mugs and the like go straight to Goodwill because they've gotten a half a dozen of those a year since they started teaching.

Nobody knows nothing.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (18)

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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby lthenderson »

happyjuice8000 wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:05 amIt's that time of year again. I know many public schools have limits on how much to gift to teachers for the holidays, but any parents of kids in expensive private elementary schools on this forum?

Do you think there's an upper limit to what's appropriate? $250? $500? $1000? more?

I have never given a monetary gift to any of the teachers of our children's private elementary school strictly as holiday giving. I have though asked during parent teacher conferences throughout the year if their classroom is lacking something and have purchased those things. I have bought lots of books for their library, school supplies and once a nice microscope. They have always been very gracious and it supports the entire class and perhaps future classes and not the teacher directly.


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby happyjuice8000 »

TomatoTomahto wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:53 amI think $250 is probably the upper limit of what would not make the teacher uncomfortable.

I’d also ask the expensive private school why the teacher is buying supplies out of pocket? Maybe a Staples gift card in addition to the cash gift if the school doesn’t step up on supplies.

I started asking around today, and it's apparently geographically dependent. One friend whose child goes to a private school in Manhattan says that $1000 is common at their school. Another friend who lives in the Midwest says that $100 is typical at their private school. So I think your suggestion sounds about right.


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby happyjuice8000 »

lthenderson wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:41 am

happyjuice8000 wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:05 amIt's that time of year again. I know many public schools have limits on how much to gift to teachers for the holidays, but any parents of kids in expensive private elementary schools on this forum?

Do you think there's an upper limit to what's appropriate? $250? $500? $1000? more?

I have never given a monetary gift to any of the teachers of our children's private elementary school strictly as holiday giving. I have though asked during parent teacher conferences throughout the year if their classroom is lacking something and have purchased those things. I have bought lots of books for their library, school supplies and once a nice microscope. They have always been very gracious and it supports the entire class and perhaps future classes and not the teacher directly.

That's a great idea! How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (19)


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby happyjuice8000 »

windaar wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:03 amI know a private school teacher and have heard a little about this. For some reason the quantity of gifts is inversely proportional to the grade level; parents of kids in grade school give much more than parents of kids in high school. A $100 gift is considered very generous and appreciated. Much more than that might be awkward or weird, or seen as if a favor is expected. A $20 - $50 Target or Amazon card is always appreciated. Teachers get lots of sweets like expensive candies and cookies, etc., and they don't need more of those. "Number 1 Teacher" coffee mugs and the like go straight to Goodwill because they've gotten a half a dozen of those a year since they started teaching.

I wonder what happens to all those "#1 Teacher" mugs at Goodwill? Are they re-gifted? LOL!

Last edited by happyjuice8000 on Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:02 am, edited 1 time in total.


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby EnjoyIt »

Ron Ronnerson wrote: Wed Nov 23, 2022 10:27 amI’m a public elementary school teacher. $25 gift cards are typical, $50 is generous, and $100 are rare but I do get them at times.

I receive a total of around $1k in gift cards during the year, mostly during the holiday season and for teacher appreciation week. This total amount represents a (very) small percentage of my salary. The contributions of any one parent toward the total are much smaller still. My point is that the sum in question is not significant enough to either make me feel awkward or make me feel indebted to anyone. All it does is make me feel appreciated and happy. It also helps around the holidays when I buy gift cards for the secretaries and custodians at work and give extra money to my housecleaners to show my appreciation to them as well.

A gift is best given with an open heart and not out of some sense of obligation. If you don’t feel like giving a gift, then simply don’t do it. If you choose to, though, you’ll help make the world a little brighter around the holidays.

I realize this is an old thread, but it is time for holiday gift cards once again.

Last year I gave the teachers Amazon gift cards for $100 and their aids $50 each. Our kids are a handful and I want to express my gratitude which is why I did this. I hope I did not make them uncomfortable. One of the aids thanked us.

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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby happyjuice8000 »

DoubleComma wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:52 amIf there is a limit, unlikely that is something we would know vs you simply asking the school administration.

DW is a teacher, the gifts she enjoys the most are things that benefit her class room and a note. For example a gift card to Lakeshore Learning, Target, or other store where teachers are often buying classroom supplies directly. If you provided something like this, in my opinion the limit would be different than if you were giving the teacher cash or a restaurant gift card. I would expect nearly no limit if it directly benefits the classroom and students.

My question for you, is your understanding of this teachers comp accurate? Is there a reason for it, does she not have to be credentialed at this private school? Certainly there are schools that pay less and others that pay more, but $40k for what you describe is crazy low for the VHCOL areas I am familiar with. I don't see how this private school can be sustainable if teachers are being paid 50% of comparable public school teachers (I'm thinking of CA teacher comp).

I just went based on an ad posted for a full-time certified teacher at the school. I googled what the national average is. Here is what I found....

"Full-time teachers in public schools earned about 30 percent more than private school teachers, pulling in an average annual base salary of $61,600, compared with $46,400, according to the survey from the National Center for Education Statistics."


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby happyjuice8000 »

mw1739 wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:32 am$1000 seems a bit like charity to me vs. a gift. I'm going to guess my wife spent $100 per teacher on gifts this year, which seems reasonable to me. They also send requests or keep Amazon lists for class supplies, which we usually buy a few things from.

Amazon lists for class supplies is a good idea!


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby mw1739 »

happyjuice8000 wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:42 am

TomatoTomahto wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:53 amI think $250 is probably the upper limit of what would not make the teacher uncomfortable.

I’d also ask the expensive private school why the teacher is buying supplies out of pocket? Maybe a Staples gift card in addition to the cash gift if the school doesn’t step up on supplies.

I started asking around today, and it's apparently geographically dependent. One friend whose child goes to a private school in Manhattan says that $1000 is common at their school. Another friend who lives in the Midwest says that $100 is typical at their private school. So I think your suggestion sounds about right.

Makes sense ... Midwest private school and $100 here


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (20)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Leif »

If you want to gift then some school supply items would be a nice gesture.


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby Glockenspiel »

$1000? or more? If that's the norm, I would really encourage a conversation with your private school about raising tuition rates and teacher salaries, instead of having students supplement $20,000 of the teacher's salary in the form of a gift card.

In my upper-class Midwestern public school, the norm ranges between $20-$100. $100 or more would make a lot of teachers feel uncomfortable. We gave home-room teachers a $50 Target gift card this year, had the kids write them a note thanking them, and put it in an envelope with our family holiday card.

Teachers really don't want coffee mugs or candles. They all have too many.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (21)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby MrBobcat »

Mrs. is a school teacher. Honestly a nice card from the student telling them that they are appreciated is about the best gift she can receive. We have more unused coffee gift cards and mugs laying around than we know what to do with.

A second best gift would be to ask the teacher if he/she needs any supplies for the classroom. Most parents would be dumbfounded how many supplies teachers pay for out of pocket.


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Glockenspiel »

The norm around here is $20-$50. My kids gave $40 gift cards and notes of appreciation to their teachers and both received a lovely thank you in return. $100+ would make most teachers feel uncomfortable. Our kids' teachers are very good about asking for school supplies when needed and we always donate those. Most people don't realize that public teachers buy nearly all of the classroom supplies out of their own pocket.


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby stoptothink »

Glockenspiel wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:13 am$1000? or more? If that's the norm, I would really encourage a conversation with your private school about raising tuition rates and teacher salaries, instead of having students supplement $20,000 of the teacher's salary in the form of a gift card.

What, you are opposed to bringing "tipping culture" to education How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (22)


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (23)

Cash is King
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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Cash is King »

miamivice wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 11:23 pm$0 per teacher

^ This.


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby cbs2002 »

A private school our kids attended for a while had a staff bonus fund that was (as far as I know) equally distributed to faculty, administrative, maintenance staff, etc. We would throw in $200-300 each December.

I personally thought the school should just be budgeting higher compensation and bonuses and raise tuition accordingly. But for what it was, I thought this handled the issue well. I feel like cash gifts directly to an individual teacher are awkward, but it's probably not a big deal for a couple hundred bucks.

Knowing that parents are giving $1K gifts to teachers in some private schools makes me glad I am not part of that world. Though for all I know a few parents at our school did so.


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby mkc »

[I merged happyjuice8000's topic on teacher gift amounts into this existing topic - mod mkc]


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Re: Private School Parents & Teacher Christmas Gifts

Postby DoubleComma »

happyjuice8000 wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 10:58 am

DoubleComma wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 9:52 amIf there is a limit, unlikely that is something we would know vs you simply asking the school administration.

DW is a teacher, the gifts she enjoys the most are things that benefit her class room and a note. For example a gift card to Lakeshore Learning, Target, or other store where teachers are often buying classroom supplies directly. If you provided something like this, in my opinion the limit would be different than if you were giving the teacher cash or a restaurant gift card. I would expect nearly no limit if it directly benefits the classroom and students.

My question for you, is your understanding of this teachers comp accurate? Is there a reason for it, does she not have to be credentialed at this private school? Certainly there are schools that pay less and others that pay more, but $40k for what you describe is crazy low for the VHCOL areas I am familiar with. I don't see how this private school can be sustainable if teachers are being paid 50% of comparable public school teachers (I'm thinking of CA teacher comp).

I just went based on an ad posted for a full-time certified teacher at the school. I googled what the national average is. Here is what I found....

"Full-time teachers in public schools earned about 30 percent more than private school teachers, pulling in an average annual base salary of $61,600, compared with $46,400, according to the survey from the National Center for Education Statistics."

National averages don’t generally represent VHCOL areas.


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Dregob »

hmw wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 10:52 pmMy 11-year old goes to a private elemenary school. One of the parents is organizing to buy some group Xmas gifts for 4 teachers who teach the kids. I asked her what the suggested amount should be but she wouldn't give me a straight answer. How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (24)

I am thinking about $25 to $50 per teacher so somewhere between $100 to $200 altogether. Am I in the right ball park?


I have no idea. Private school, if you are paying 12K per year, $100-$200 doesn't seem like that much.
My kids went to public schools and there is no way you could expect many parents with a couple kids in school to come up with that amount of money.
I'd be more inclined to give each teacher a $25 gift card directly if I was going that route.


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby OrangeKiwi »

Cash is King wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:32 am

miamivice wrote: Tue Nov 22, 2022 11:23 pm$0 per teacher

^ This.

Same here. Tipping teachers and teachers accepting tips is an obvious conflict of interest.


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby JustGotScammed »

If grades are already in? $25.

If grades aren't in yet? $100.



How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (25)

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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby vnatale »

Is my understanding correct that, in general, private school teachers are paid less than public school teachers? They do not belong to any teachers' unions?

Above provided by: Vinny, who always says: "I only regret that I have but one lap to give to my cats." AND "I'm a more-is-more person."


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Re: How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers?

Postby Dregob »

vnatale wrote: Wed Dec 20, 2023 11:17 pmIs my understanding correct that, in general, private school teachers are paid less than public school teachers? They do not belong to any teachers' unions?

In my state private school teachers don't have to be trained as teachers/no certification required. Some are, many are not. I never understood why someone would pay 12K to have their kid taught by someone not trained to teach.


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? (2024)


How much Xmas gift money is appropriate for teachers? ›

Don't spend too much

How much money to give teachers for Christmas? ›

According to surveys like this one from the website SheKnows, most parents give the teacher something worth between $10 and $50.

How much should I put on a gift card for a teacher for Christmas? ›

There is no set amount you should spend on a teacher gift—it really depends on your budget. A good rule of thumb is to spend around $20-$30, but if you have a larger budget, you could go up to $50.

What is the appropriate cash gift for a teacher? ›

Our etiquette expert would like to remind parents, “You don't have to spend a lot of money, and sometimes, a handwritten note from the heart is the best gesture of appreciation.” That said, Schweitzer says that, depending on the school policy, $50 may be appropriate (and she prefers a pooled gift) if your child has the ...

Is $50 too much for a teacher gift? ›

Legally, most public school teachers are not allowed to accept gifts worth more than $50, but even if a family gives me a $5 gift, I think about the time and labor that went into it… and frankly, feel uncomfortable.

Is a $100 gift card too much for a teacher? ›

It really depends on each individual family's circ*mstances, too. For some, $100 is right on the mark, while for others it's overly generous. It certainly seems that no one finds it stingy, however.

Is it okay to give teachers cash for Christmas? ›

And more than any physical gift, teachers appreciate your support. Whew. OK. That being said, if you're insistent about giving gifts to the teachers you care about this holiday season, there is one gift I can guarantee every teacher is happy to receive and will definitely put to good use: cash.

Is a $25 gift card too cheap for teachers? ›

Price range for teacher gifts

“If your child has the teacher for just one period of the day, $10 to $20 is appropriate.” Melissa Verity Baral teaches kindergarten in Los Angeles and tells SheKnows that most parents give $25 to $50 gift cards.

How much money to put on a gift card for a teacher? ›

Most teacher gift cards fall between $10 and $30, but there is no required amount for a gift card — we're sure they would appreciate any and every amount you want to give! There's no pressure for an amount.

Is a $10 gift card too cheap? ›

Here are some guidelines to give you an idea of what to spend. For co-workers, casual friends and your children's teachers, stay in the $10 to $20 range. Gift cards for close friends and family members can range from $25 to $100.

How much can teachers accept as gifts? ›

Teachers may accept gifts of under $50 from individual students or families, but teachers must first confirm that the giving family did not also contribute to the class gift. Certain public employees are prohibited from soliciting or accepting any gift from a lobbyist and lobbyists are prohibited from offering gifts.

Can teachers accept money from students as a gift? ›

Gift limits

The limit also applies to group gifts, and taking up a collection for a teacher is against the law if the gift will be more than $50.

What is an appropriate cash gift? ›

Key Takeaways: Wedding experts advise starting cash giving at $100. You may want to adjust up to $500 based on factors such as your relationship with the couple, your budget and the cost of your attendance at the wedding. If your budget is really tight, you may want to consider buying a gift from the registry instead.

How much for a teacher gift card for Christmas? ›

If you give a teacher a gift card for Christmas, the next hurdle to get over is how much you should put on the card. The standard amount for a gift card is $25 but can range anywhere from $10-$50.

Do teachers expect Christmas gifts? ›

Many said they didn't expect anything. “I teach at a Title 1 school,” one educator wrote on my Facebook page. “I know our families don't have much, if any, disposable income. I don't expect anything and don't ask for anything.

Do teachers like Starbucks gift cards? ›

Starbucks is the perfect treat (9%)

It's no secret that many teachers run on caffeine. If you have a Starbucks near you, a Starbucks gift card is a good go-to gift for teachers. Or if there's another local coffee shop nearby, that's a great option too.

Is it normal to give teachers Christmas gifts? ›

Giving your kid's teacher a holiday gift is a wonderful way to show them appreciation for all that they do, but buying something isn't always necessary. There are many other ways to give, that are just as thoughtful, such as a homemade gift or a card with heartfelt words.

How much should I spend on a daycare teacher Christmas gift? ›

For nannies and home daycare providers, etiquette would say a monetary gift equal to one week's pay would be recommended. If your child goes to a commercial daycare I would recommend a monetary gift of $25-50 for your child's main teacher, and $10-$20 for classroom aids.

How much do you give a child for Christmas? ›

Parents spending on Christmas gifts per child in the United States in 2023
CharacteristicShare of respondents
Up to $259%
More than $25 to $5015%
More than $50 to $10019%
More than $100 to $15016%
4 more rows
Nov 30, 2023

Do you give teachers gifts at the end of the year? ›

While giving a gift at the end of the school year isn't required, it's a nice way to tell teachers THANK YOU for being there for our kids every day.

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