Freelance Writer Rates: How Much Should You Pay in 2024? | Content Creation Advice (2024)

The right amount to pay a freelance writer in 2024 depends on many factors. You can’t spend more than your profit margin allows, but you also want to be fair to the talented folks churning out your white papers and blog posts. To help you get the most bang for your buck while protecting your bottom line, we’ve compiled this guide so you can understand how to price your projects.

How Much Should I Pay a Freelance Writer?

As a business owner, you need to find a balance between paying a freelance writer what they deserve and not decimating your budget. This would be easier if there were a set rate for writing, but that’s not the case. With so many types of content, niches, and other factors in play, figuring out the going rate isn’t always simple.

It’s like hiring a plumber or any other home service contractor. The amount you pay a relatively new-to-the-biz plumber differs from what a veteran might charge you with decades of experience. Add offerings such as regular versus emergency service and routine tasks versus specialty tasks, and the rates shift again.

A low rate doesn’t mean poor quality, and a high rate doesn’t mean you’re getting the best. That’s why it’s crucial to consider your needs, the industry norm, and other ingredients of the project pie before you set a rate and start your hunt.

Factors influencing freelance writer rates

Many factors go into determining how much a freelance writer charges. Some are within your control, such as the length of the project and the amount of research. Other factors depend on the freelancer’s professional background and personal circ*mstances. Get to know each element, and you’ll be better prepared to make the right writer an offer that benefits both parties.

Freelance Writer Rates: How Much Should You Pay in 2024? | Content Creation Advice (1)

1. Content type and purpose

Consider what content you need and how you plan to use it. Some types of writing are best handled by a specialist with extensive experience in your industry, while a general writer can manage others. Product descriptions and broad-topic blog posts with minimal research requirements are easier to write than case studies or white papers.

Freelance writer rates tend to be higher for content that’s used to convert prospects into qualified leads or leads into paying customers. You can also expect to pay more if you need a writer for highly technical topics. For example, a medical device manufacturer needing a case study should expect to pay more than a fashion designer who needs basic product descriptions.

Here are some of the most common types of content:

  • Articles
  • Blog posts
  • Press releases
  • Case studies
  • White papers
  • Reports
  • E-books
  • Email newsletters
  • Infographics
  • Thought leadership pieces
  • Product descriptions
  • Category descriptions
  • How-to guides
  • Sales letters
  • Landing pages

2. Content quality

When it comes to quality, speed, and price, there’s an old saying in the business world: “You can have it fast. You can have it good. You can have it cheap. Pick two.” In other words, you shouldn’t expect top-tier quality at bargain prices. This informal explanation of the iron triangle is a business concept related to scope, time, and cost.

If you’replanning to hire a writer, think about whether you want to prioritize your budget or the quality of your content. Quality should be your top priority if you’re trying to win new clients or get media coverage for your business. For basic product descriptions, you may be able to give your budget more weight.

Just remember your published content needs to paint your business in a positive light. There’s no real benefit to paying bargain-basem*nt freelance writer rates if the finished product is riddled with errors or makes your company look bad.

3. Additional responsibilities

If you expect your writer to wear more than one hat or provide more than basic writing duties, expect to pay a higher rate. Depending on the type of project you’re doing, you may need to pay for the following:

  • Travel time, lodging, and other costs associated with on-site work
  • Time spent interviewing sources
  • Photography or stock photo sourcing
  • Article pitches to digital or print publications
  • Graphic design/document layout
  • Extra revisions
  • Editorial services

4. Turnaround time

Freelance writers usually work on multiple projects simultaneously, many of which are scheduled months in advance. If you need a quick turnaround time, the writer may have to reschedule other projects or work extra hours to write your content. Remember the plumber analogy? If you need someone to tackle a major leak ASAP, you pay a premium for priority status. Likewise, freelancers often charge a premium for flexibility.

Even if you’re paying extra for a fast turnaround, you should have reasonable expectations. While writing a short blog post in 24 hours is possible, a writer may need more time to collect data for a case study or interview sources for a long-form article.

Freelance Writer Rates: How Much Should You Pay in 2024? | Content Creation Advice (2)

5. Expertise required

It’s a good idea to write a job description or request for proposal before you start looking for a writer. The document should spell out the knowledge, skills, and abilities a freelancer needs to mesh well with your team. Consider the type of expertise required. Do you need a journalist who can write long-form articles about your business? How about a technical writer with experience writing user documentation for complex software packages?

You may also look for writers with specific degrees or professional certifications. If you’re hiring a writer to craft content about project management, someone with the Project Management Professional certification may provide deeper insight than a generalist writer without the PMP credential.

6. Project requirements

Not all writing projects have the same requirements. Some clients provide templates and ask their writers to submit completed projects via email. Others want their writers to use a content management system (e.g., WordPress, Joomla) to write the content, add photos, and develop meta titles and descriptions.

At Crowd Content, we work with clients who have detailed requirements regarding keyword usage, formatting, backlinking, and image use. Generally, the more precise your requirements are, the more you can expect to pay a freelancer.

7. Author credit

Freelance writer rates also depend on whether you plan to give the author a byline or publish the work under your name. Publishing under the name of a well-known writer gives your company and website credibility — something Google’s algorithm loves and looks for — so you can expect to pay more if you include the writer’s byline on your site.

How Freelance Writer Pay Is Determined

There are typically three ways freelancers get paid.

  • By the word:This is arguably the most common and straightforward pricing method. Paying by the word helps you manage your budget — 20 cents per word times 1000 words always equals a maximum of $200. But word count doesn’t always equal value. For instance, a 20-word Facebook post is typically more expensive than $4.
  • By the hour:Many clients like to pay by the hour because it’s the system they’re most accustomed to. But if a writer works quickly, they’re penalized for their expertise. Conversely, a slow but methodical writer could exceed your budget. For those reasons, hourly pay is best reserved for add-on services, such as interviewing an executive for a business profile or attending a Zoom strategy meeting with your marketing team.
  • By the post/page/project:Freelance writing rates set by the post or project are often the fairest way to approach projects that require a lot of knowledge but few words. Flat fees also work if you have a budget in mind and don’t know how many hours it will take to complete the project.

Rates for Freelance Writing Services

Carol Tice, an experienced journalist and the owner of Make a Living Writing, conducted an annual survey to determine how much freelance writers earn for various projects. The 2020 survey included more than 600 participants at all levels of experience. Approximately 50% of respondents indicated making over $100 for a short blog post (500-800 words); for longer blog posts between 1,000 and 2,000 words, most writers reported earnings of up to $350.

According to Tice, writers should expect to be paid hundreds of dollars per page for case studies and white papers, as they’re “heavy-duty lead generators for businesses that help them book millions in new revenue.” Short marketing email prices ranged from $100 to $750 per email.

As of 2022, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics put the median pay for writers and authors at $73,150 or $35.17 per hour. Using that model, you could estimate how long a project would take and pay by the hour or the project. For instance, a blog that should take about 2 hours may cost about $70. But using that rating system across the board doesn’t consider industry, expertise, or content type. Content focusing on specific niches and requiring extra education or credentials is priced higher than articles requiring basic research. An agency outsourcing contentfor a portfolio of end clients might encounter the following rates for an article or blog:

  • Education: 25 cents per word
  • Business: 30 cents per word
  • Fintech: 50 cents per word

The rate for a buyer’s guide or email template might be slightly lower in each category, while the rate for technical writing, such as a white paper or case study, nearly doubles. When you work with Crowd Content, you get access to teams of freelancers who write at various pay rates. We review your budget and let you know what to expect regarding quality and turnaround time.

Freelance Writer Rates: How Much Should You Pay in 2024? | Content Creation Advice (3)

Making Room for Content in Your Marketing Budget

Content is one of the most important aspects of any marketing campaign. Whether you run a small business or work in the marketing department of a Fortune 500 company, great content helps you boost your search engine rankings and increase conversion rates. If you want high-quality content, you need to pay reasonable freelance writing rates based on the scope of the project, your company’s needs, and the writer’s skills and experience.To see how a freelance writer can help you grow your business, look at Crowd Content’scontent creation services today.

Freelance Writer Rates: How Much Should You Pay in 2024? | Content Creation Advice (2024)


How much should I charge as a freelance writer? ›

Here's a breakdown to help you gauge your per-hour rate based on your experience level: Entry Level — $15 to $30 per hour. Intermediate — $35 to $60 per hour. Experienced — $65 to $100 per hour.

How much should I charge for a 500 word article? ›

Charging per article

Your pricing quotes will depend on your experience and the complexity of the work. For a 500-word article, beginner writers might charge between $3 to $25, while more experienced writers might charge between $30 to $150, and expert writers might charge up to $1,000 or more.

How much should I charge for a 1000 word article? ›

Website and blog content writing rates in India
Website content writing
Blog post (1000-1200 words)₹ 1250
Email content writing rates
Email message (200-300 words)₹ 250
Email message (300-400 words)₹ 400
23 more rows

How much can you realistically make as a freelance writer? ›

What Is the Average Freelance Writer Salary by State
Annual SalaryMonthly Pay
Top Earners$65,500$5,458
75th Percentile$54,500$4,541
25th Percentile$42,500$3,541

How much should I be charging as a freelancer? ›

How do your experience, skills, location, value, industry, etc., impact the amount of money you can charge? In reality, the perfect freelancer pricing formula doesn't exist. You'll have to pick a rate, and then you can see how potential clients are reacting to this rate and raise or lower it to match your needs.

How do I calculate my hourly rate as a freelancer? ›

Determine Your Baseline Freelance Rate

Start by dividing your desired annual salary by 52 (for a start). That gives you the dollar amount you need to earn per week. Then, take that amount and divide it by 40. That gives you the hourly rate you need to charge clients.

How much should I pay someone to write an article? ›

A good intermediate rate is $125–200 per article. For experts, $250+ per article is better. For articles that require a lot of research, interviews, and are longer, you need to charge $500 and up.

How to write hourly rate? ›

Calculate your hourly rate by finding the average for the type of writing you do and then factor in your experience and education. Multiply this by the number of hours you ideally want to work in a week, and this is your weekly salary. You can then multiply this by four to get your approximate monthly salary.

How much do beginner writers charge per word? ›

The average freelance writer makes about $29 per hour, and the average freelance writing rate per word ranges from $0.05-$0.10 for beginner writers, $0.30-$0.50 for intermediate writers, and $1-$1.50 for experienced writers.

What is the cost of freelance content writer? ›

The average website content writing charges generally vary from ₹2 to ₹6 per word, while it can range from ₹0.50 to ₹10 per word.

How do writers charge per word? ›

Most intermediate to advanced freelance writers charge between $0.10 and $1 per word, depending on the amount of work they will have to put into the project. But, the way they bill that average range will vary.

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If you work for yourself, you should think about charging anywhere from $15.00 per page to $40.00 per page, depending upon a variety of factors discussed below. Over time, as you gain more experience in the business, you will be able better price projects so you receive a fair wage.

What type of freelance writing pays the most? ›

Freelance Writing Gigs With Great Pay: 50 Niches to Explore
  • Advertorials.
  • Annual reports.
  • Articles for top consumer magazines*
  • Branding/slogans.
  • Brochures.
  • Book ghostwriting*
  • Brand journalism*
  • Business plans/confidential information memorandums.

Can you make a living off freelance writing? ›

Many freelance writers manage to make a good living writing for institutions, publications, and brands, and earn upwards of six figures per year. This step-by-step guide will help you get started as a successful freelance writer with a steady income and a flexible career.

How do freelance writers get paid? ›

For one article, a client may pay by the word or by the piece. If it's a project, they may pay an hourly rate or a flat rate for the whole project. At other times, you may be put on a retainer to provide a certain amount of work every month as needed by the client.

How much to charge for 2000 words? ›

Another freelance writer uses a calculator to price projects and typically uses the following range for blog posts: 1000-1500 words: USD 600. 1500-2000 words: USD 700. 2000-2500 words: USD 800.

How much do freelancers charge per 1,000 words? ›

From 50 Cents to About $2 Per Word. Starting From $0.10 Per Word for a Basic Blog Post. At Least $250 Per 1,000 Words. $15 to $20 for 1,000 Words Depending on the Topic and Deadline.

How much should I charge as a writer on Upwork? ›

Content Writers on Upwork cost $15–$40/hr.

How to charge per word as a writer? ›

Clearvoice shows a similar relationship between experience and rates, with most beginner and intermediate writers charging between $0.01 to $0.50 per word, and “professional” and expert writers charging from $0.50 to more than $1.00. If you're just starting, I recommend starting with $0.10 per word.

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Author: Van Hayes

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Author information

Name: Van Hayes

Birthday: 1994-06-07

Address: 2004 Kling Rapid, New Destiny, MT 64658-2367

Phone: +512425013758

Job: National Farming Director

Hobby: Reading, Polo, Genealogy, amateur radio, Scouting, Stand-up comedy, Cryptography

Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.