Dr. Marcia Layton Turner on LinkedIn: Do ghostwriters get royalties? I'm frequently asked whether book… | 10 comments (2024)

Dr. Marcia Layton Turner

Bestselling Business Book Ghostwriter | Thought leadership, entrepreneurship, corporate histories

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Do ghostwriters get royalties?I'm frequently asked whether book ghostwriters earn or receive royalties on book sales. The answer is, that it depends.If you ask this question of a ghostwriter who regularly works with agents and traditional publishers, I suspect you'll hear "yes" much more frequently than if you asked a ghostwriter like me who works more with corporate clients who opt to publish independently. The reason, I suspect, is that traditional book deals with authors consist of two things: 1) an advance against royalties, calculated based on how well the book is expected to sell, and 2) royalties, which are a percentage of each book sale.When an author negotiates a fee for service with a ghostwriter, the ghostwriter is likely mainly concerned with being paid for their work, since they have no control over how well the book sells. If the author is well-known or has a large following, the ghostwriter may be willing to take a chance and receive a portion of their payment as part of the advance or royalties. But it's a risk and not all are willing to take it.The author can pay for a ghostwriter's services out of their own pocket or from their organization, based on a percentage of the advance (which in some cases ends up being 100%), and/or include a percentage of the future royalties earned. The deal can also include all three components.Authors frequently prefer that their ghostwriters have "skin in the game," which the writers can demonstrate by accepting a percentage of future royalties. However, asking a ghostwriter to accept royalties as a major portion of their compensation is a bit unfair, since their work can be stellar and the book may not sell well for a million reasons completely unrelated to the quality of their work.For that reason, ghostwriters may be reluctant to structure their compensation based heavily on future royalties, which may not even materialize. The advance paid up front to the author is based on potential future sales. Royalty payments only start once the advance is earned out. And many books never earn a cent of royalties.Accepting a royalty percentage as a big portion of the compensation package could result in the ghostwriter receiving nothing, or payments years in the future. So, do ghostwriters earn royalties? They can, yes, if the author offers it as part of their compensation package and the ghostwriter accepts it. But most ghostwriters don't want royalties to be the biggest component. It's too big a risk for them. Offering a royalty percentage as a bonus for strong sales, however, is more common.

  • Dr. Marcia Layton Turner on LinkedIn: Do ghostwriters get royalties?I'm frequently asked whether book… | 10 comments (2)



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Judy Lane Boyer

Ghostwriter. Building an audience for YOUR practice, story, or expertise.


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When I was learning the business, my mentor said to never accept royalties as payment for a first-time client. It may be OK after 2-3 projects together when you've developed a good working relationship and have seen the level of investment they put into getting their books to sell.

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Dr./ Apostle Sheila Vaughn

🕊️Gospel Prayer Power International & Educational Ministries . ( Closing page temporarily.)


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Do ghost writer charge $500 up front as a down payment? I don't have that type of money all at once , but if it's legal I will work on it I just don't want to be scammed. I'm new to being a author . I need answers

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Mike Dillon



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There's never any guarantee, but I have an amazing story, I hope I get to tell before I die. If growing up in abusive Foster home in Gary, Indiana. Until now. But I've all but given up on a ghost writer because I'm not rich enough to pay someone they would have to take their chances on royalties.

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Ming Louie Stein



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Will a ghostwriter take my completed 1st draft and rewrite it to make it better? Will the writing style no longer be mine?

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Dr./ Apostle Sheila Vaughn

🕊️Gospel Prayer Power International & Educational Ministries . ( Closing page temporarily.)


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Thank you I meet a person they said and has a flyer that they are ghost writer and total cost $2500 and the down payment is $500. I new to this I wanted to talk some one who is experienced. Thank you so much .

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Dr./ Apostle Sheila Vaughn

🕊️Gospel Prayer Power International & Educational Ministries . ( Closing page temporarily.)


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It noted on here and hat your the best I want to know and learn not to make a mistake.

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    • Dr. Marcia Layton Turner on LinkedIn: Do ghostwriters get royalties?I'm frequently asked whether book… | 10 comments (13)
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  • Wanda Thibodeaux

    Executive ghostwriter, columnist; Host, Faithful on the Clock podcast

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    I have a message for the people on YouTube bragging about how they hire ghostwriters to make cheap #books for a few hundred bucks and then turn them for five figures or more.For the record, I have no problem with someone hiring a ghostwriter and then making a profit. That's business and it's paid my bills. What I DO have a problem with is being seen as cheap labor and not receiving an appropriate level of compensation within the profit being made. Even worse is that these people then are trying to make even more money by peddling courses that explain exactly how to repeat the process they use. So...in essence, teaching more people to treat writers badly.So, how do you address this as a writer? Simple. Just don't accept a flat fee rate for books you write that you know are going up on Amazon or similar places. Instead, ask for an hourly rate plus a reasonable percentage of all earnings from sales. That way, no matter what the book sales are, the ratio of pay to profit isn't ridiculous. It's not all that different from getting paid an advance plus royalties in traditional publishing.Now, I won't dictate what your negotiated percentage should be. That really depends on elements like how much money is invested in the production of the book. And if the book is poised to do fairly well because marketing is excellent, it's a little tricky to measure what that extra exposure can be worth if you're acknowledged as the ghostwriter. But don't allow people like this to take advantage of you. Fight for what's fair, not only to protect yourself, but to protect the craft. Petitioning places like YouTube not to allow these types of ads is one option to start the fight.#WritingCommunity #Writing #Writer #Author #FairPay #Pay #Compensation #Profit #Ethics #Morals

    • Dr. Marcia Layton Turner on LinkedIn: Do ghostwriters get royalties?I'm frequently asked whether book… | 10 comments (19)


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    How much should a freelance ghostwriter charge?During the Gathering of the Ghosts Conference on January 22nd, our CEO, Kevin Anderson, moderated a conversation called The Money Dance, where the panelists–including notable authors and ghosts Dr. Marcia Layton Turner, Michael Levin, and Catherine Whitney–tackled the fundamentals of the ghostwriting business: building your brand, contract essentials, and, most significantly, how much to charge.You can find a summary of what was discussed in that panel here: https://lnkd.in/gsSy5Bn9

    Summary: The Money Dance https://gothamghostwriters.com



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  • Dr Alex Antic

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    So, you want to write a book?Since publishing my latest book earlier this year (link in the comments below), I've had many people reach out for advice on how to become an author, so I thought I'd share some tips and insights for anyone interested in writing their first book via a publisher: - First, you need to be very clear on the theme of the book and who the intended audience is i.e. who are you writing it for, and what do you want them to learn?- When pitching the idea to publishers, they'll also want to know why you're best person to write it, what your credentials are, whether or not you're an expert in the field, how you plan to promote/market it, how does it differ to similar books, what are the 3-5 key takeaways of the book, etc.- You may not have much power in negotiating royalty payments (which can vary significantly), but you can negotiate the number of complimentary copies you receive as an author to give away to family and friends, or as part of promotions/marketing. You may also be able to negotiate an advance. As with any small business work, you unfortunately need to be prepared to chase payment. My book was published over 6 months ago, and I still haven't received my royalties (at this point the publisher is no longer responding to me)!- Some publishers may only distribute the book via Amazon, and it may not be stocked by other book sellers in your country. It is worth contacting various bookshops directly to see if they'd be keen to stock your book.- In regard to which publishers to approach, I'd suggest focusing on the type of book you're writing. For instance, if you're writing a textbook, then try to choose publishers with expertise in your discipline, as they'll have editors with relevant technical expertise - and a relevant and established network and brand for to help promote your book.- Speaking of editing, even though you'll have an editor allocated to your book, they may not always have the capacity or background to edit technical content, so be prepared to do as much editing as possible yourself, and to enlist the help of experts in your field. I was very fortunate to have DrTania Churchill, PhDhelp me with editing, and given how much time she spent, I'm surprised she's still speaking to me...- Be prepared for the journey (aka suffering) of becoming an author. You'll most likely have milestones to meet (e.g. chapters due by certain dates) as part of the contract, and if you're waiting for reviews/edits at the same time, it will most likely mean late nights and deferring other work to meet these deadlines. Plan for this in advance, and make sure there are clear (and realistic) dates and deliverables in the contract before you begin. Deadlines will not always be met by the publisher, which will shorten the time you have to complete your milestones!I'd be keen to hear about the experience of other authors, and what advice they can share!Good luck!



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  • Yash Kapadia

    Founding Partner, Law & Research at Apex Hatchers

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    What measures must authors take to secure their stake in the field of book publishing?A Book Publishing Agreement is the blueprint that defines the terms of publishing, protecting the interests of both parties. One key aspect is the 𝗻𝗲𝗴𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗥𝗼𝘆𝗮𝗹𝘁𝘆 𝗖𝗹𝗮𝘂𝘀𝗲, a critical element for authors seeking financial recognition for their literary creations.Royalty Payments:Royalty payments are the lifeblood of authors i.e. payments that are derived from book sales and are usually expressed as a percentage of the book's price.However, here's where it gets interesting: authors can negotiate the terms to maximize their earnings.Royalty percentage:While industry standards can provide a benchmark, don't be afraid to negotiate for a higher rate, especially if you have a strong bargaining position or a proven track record.Consider tying royalty rates to specific sales milestones. If the book sells a certain number of copies or becomes a best-seller, you can negotiate a higher percentage, promoting shared success.Digital and Audiobook:With the rise of digital books and audiobooks, it's essential to clarify how royalties will be calculated for these formats. Negotiate fair rates for digital and audiobook sales, keeping in mind that production costs for these formats are often lower, which could warrant a higher royalty percentage.Territory and Language Rights:Authors can explore negotiating territorial and language rights separately. This can open up additional revenue streams.Subsidiary Rights:Beyond translation and adaptation rights, consider negotiating subsidiary rights such as merchandising, video game adaptations, or educational use. These rights can significantly boost your earnings if your book becomes a hit in various media.Audit Provisions:To ensure transparency and accuracy in royalty calculations, negotiate the right to audit the publisher's records periodically. This gives you peace of mind that you're receiving the correct payments.6. Cross-Collateralization Clauses:Beware of cross-collateralization clauses that allow the publisher to offset losses from one book against royalties from another. Try to limit or eliminate these clauses to protect your earnings.Duration and Reversion Clauses:Negotiate the duration of the agreement. It's common for authors to seek a reversion clause that allows them to reclaim their rights if the book goes out of print or sales drop below a certain threshold.Competitive Works Clause:Consider adding a clause that restricts the publisher from releasing competing works by other authors that might divert attention from your book during the same period.The publishing contract is an author's lifeline, and the Royalty Clause is its heartbeat.#authors #contractdrafting #authorsrights #royaltyclause #bookpublishers #contractnegotiation



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  • 🍍 Susie Schaefer

    The Transformational Book Coach for Cause Publishing to Get Results AND Give Back

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    Who put the “ghost” in ghostwriting? With all the new technology emerging, it’s easy to get caught up in the fervor and hire an online company to do your ghostwriting. But do you REALLY know who’s writing your book?I recently engaged in conversation with someone who hired an online company with complete packages, including ghostwriting. What we discovered is that their “ghostwriting experts” were none other than AI-based writing tools that weren’t human.A cautionary tale to drive awareness, if you’re writing and publishing a book, make sure that the ghostwriter you use is vetted and is ACTUALLY doing the writing themselves. AI-generated content can be flagged by print-on-demand platforms and they can refuse to publish your book, especially if you’re unaware that AI has been used to write it and you check the box that indicates that your book content was not derived from AI sources.Just be aware and do your homework. Similar to the pickle authors get themselves into by using an ISBN that was purchased or “given” to them, it can create legal issues down the road with who actually owns the copyright to the book. Due diligence is worth it’s weight in gold. Do your research! If you need a helping hand in unraveling a publishing contract or determining how legitimate a source is, feel free to reach out. My team of experts are superheroes at getting you back on track to protect your copyright and royalties.#ghostwriting #publishing #copyrights #authors #royalties #editing #books

    • Dr. Marcia Layton Turner on LinkedIn: Do ghostwriters get royalties?I'm frequently asked whether book… | 10 comments (34)



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  • Bryan Collins

    I specialize in copywriting and content strategy for small businesses. Let's talk 👋

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    This rich writer follows 2 rules. Every solopreneur can learn from him. David Mamet is one of the world's best screenwriters and playwrights. But before he found success writing? Mamet worked in real estate. He turned his experiences on the job with cutthroat salespeople into the hit play Glengarry Glen Ross. His play depicts two days in the lives of four desperate real estate agents in Chicago. The play and subsequent film won multiple awards on Broadway and at the Oscars. Mamet's one of my creative heroes. That's because: He prescribes **two rules** for succeeding as an artist and a business person. He says, “𝘠𝘰𝘶’𝘷𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶’𝘷𝘦 𝘨𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘣𝘶𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘺.” If you want to find success writing online, do one thing for your craft. An example? ↳ Write 300 words ↳ Publish one piece of content. If you want to earn money writing online, do one thing for your business, like: ↳ Asking followers to join your email list. ↳ Creating a sales page ↳ Positioning a service or an offer 𝙒𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙜𝙤𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤 𝙙𝙤 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙨𝙤𝙡𝙤𝙥𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙪𝙧 𝙗𝙪𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨 𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙮?

    • Dr. Marcia Layton Turner on LinkedIn: Do ghostwriters get royalties?I'm frequently asked whether book… | 10 comments (37)



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  • AuthorImprints


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    David received so many great questions during today's presentation, "Self-Publishing Foundations for Long-Term Success" with Jane Friedman. We'll share a few here, starting with a topic that comes up often:Q: What is a publishing imprint, and do I always need one, even if I'm using Amazon KDP?A: A publishing imprint is the name of your publishing company—the publisher's name displayed to the public wherever you sell your book and in distribution channels.Self-publishers can use their author name as their imprint name, but it is preferable to create a distinction between the author name and the publisher for public relations and brand-building reasons. It can be an invented name, the name of one’s existing business, or some variation thereof.Places a where an imprint is used:📚 Library of Congress filing📚 Copyright filing📚 Distribution accounts📚 Book sales pages (like Amazon)👉 For more details, including if you need to set up a formal business entity under your imprint name, see our Learning Center post, "How to Research a Name for Your Self-Publishing Imprint:" https://lnkd.in/gGSw_ri9Want more self-publishing insights? Recordings of the course are currently available for purchase: https://lnkd.in/gHWe2eBwNeed extra help? AuthorImprints's specialty is helping authors and businesses establish their self-publishing imprint brand and producing and distributing their books. Contact us to see how we might help you and your book.#selfpublishing #indiepublishing #bookpublishing #publishingimprint #indieauthors #selfpublishedauthors

    How to Research a Name for Your Self-Publishing Imprint https://www.authorimprints.com


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  • David Innocent


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    I would like to discuss individuals who are not writers but hire ghostwriters to write for them in their pursuit of financial gain. The fact that you are not a writer is already a warning sign. Because of this, you treat writers with disrespect. You seem to think that coming up with a story and putting it into writing is an easy task. You often say things like, "You need to make sure you sign a contract for this book," as if it is solely the writer's responsibility to handle such matters.A writer's main purpose is to create and publish a captivating book, even if it is often rejected by various platforms. Rejection does not mean that the writer lacks talent. Yet, you come up with statements like, "It was rejected, so I won't pay you," and then wonder why so many writers demand upfront payment.Furthermore, you don't even have a story idea; you expect the writer to come up with an outline and write 5,000 words out of thin air, all while ensuring it gets contracted. Let's assume that this is not an issue. Do you know where the real problem lies? The real problem lies in paying writers extremely low wages and acting as if they owe you their life.The worst part is when you state that you will only pay the writer once the platform pays. Have you ever stopped to consider why ghostwriters choose to ghostwrite in the first place? If they wanted to wait for an app to pay, wouldn't they have already done so?I won't dwell on this topic for too long. I am here to declare that I will never again write for non-writers. They will never truly comprehend the level of brainstorming and idea generation required to make a book exceptional. All they care about is the finished product and obtaining a contract.Perhaps I am one of the few writers who write because they genuinely enjoy the act of creating magic and discussing their characters as if they were real.Non-writers will never understand. My advice to ghostwriters today is to stop accepting contract jobs that require writing a specific word count, like 5,000 words. Instead, focus on completing an ongoing book. What is the purpose of writing an entire book for someone else when you can do it for yourself? They make more money from your work than they pay you, and they don't even appreciate your efforts and the time you invest.Dear ghostwriters, please take my advice into consideration. Stay blessed. Remember, it's best to only complete a book rather than start one. This way, you can safeguard your peace of mind.


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Dr. Marcia Layton Turner on LinkedIn: Do ghostwriters get royalties?I'm frequently asked whether book… | 10 comments (46)

Dr. Marcia Layton Turner on LinkedIn: Do ghostwriters get royalties?I'm frequently asked whether book… | 10 comments (47)


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Dr. Marcia Layton Turner on LinkedIn: Do ghostwriters get royalties?

I'm frequently asked whether book… | 10 comments (2024)


Dr. Marcia Layton Turner on LinkedIn: Do ghostwriters get royalties? I'm frequently asked whether book… | 10 comments? ›

Accepting a royalty percentage as a big portion of the compensation package could result in the ghostwriter receiving nothing, or payments years in the future. So, do ghostwriters earn royalties? They can, yes, if the author offers it as part of their compensation package and the ghostwriter accepts it.

How much do LinkedIn ghostwriters charge? ›

On average, the cost for a LinkedIn ghostwriter can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars, depending on the scope of the project and the factors mentioned above. At Column, our LinkedIn ghostwriting packages start from $500/mo.

How much do you get paid to ghostwrite a book? ›

Talented ghostwriters can earn from $20,000 up to $100,000+ annually writing for clients: Fiction book fees range from $0.01 to $1 per word based on genre, length, and writer experience. Nonfiction ghostwriters typically charge flat rates starting around $15,000 to $40,000+ per book.

Do authors get royalties from their books? ›

Ballpark Figures. Self-published authors can earn up to 70% royalties from their books, while most traditionally published authors make 5-18% royalties which they only receive after 'earning out'. That means the books sales have “paid back” their advances and the publishers then start giving them a cut of book sales.

Who owns copyright on a ghost written book? ›

Under US Copyright law, the ownership of ghostwritten articles and any other work is governed by 17 U.S.C. § 101 (“Section 101”). Under Section 101, only the author or those deriving rights from the author can rightfully claim copyrights to a particular work.

Do ghostwriters get royalties? ›

They can, yes, if the author offers it as part of their compensation package and the ghostwriter accepts it. But most ghostwriters don't want royalties to be the biggest component. It's too big a risk for them. Offering a royalty percentage as a bonus for strong sales, however, is more common.

Do you get paid to write on LinkedIn? ›

LinkedIn's Partner Program allows you to monetize your writing on the platform by getting paid for the articles you write. The program pays writers based on the engagement their articles receive, such as views, comments, and shares. To participate in the program, you need to apply and be accepted.

Who is the highest paid ghost writer? ›

Page Six calls Moehringer the "highest paid ghostwriter in the business." He collaborated with Andre Agassi on his autobiography, Open, and Nike founder Phil Knight on his memoirs, Shoe Dog.

Do ghostwriters get paid upfront? ›

Instead, nearly every ghost is paid upfront directly by their client (or, more often, the client's company) on a work-for-hire agreement. As the author client, then, you retain all rights and all future profits from your book.

Do ghostwriters get credit for books? ›

Ghostwriting occurs when someone contributes to creating content without credit for doing so. They don't get a byline or author credit; in fact, many times someone else's name appears as the author of the content. In exchange for credit, the person doing the writing typically receives monetary compensation.

How often do authors get royalty checks? ›

Traditional publishers will calculate and pay out their royalty dues every six months, though the fixed schedule can vary from publisher to publisher. As for how long an author receives royalty payments after they begin receiving them (after they've earned out their advance), it will depend on the contract.

Who is the most successful self-published author? ›

15 Successful Self-Published Authors Who Made It Big
  • #1. Margaret Atwood. That's right Margaret Atwood actually started as a self-published author! ...
  • #2. EL James. ...
  • #3. Andy Weir. ...
  • #4. Amanda Hocking. ...
  • #5. Lisa Genova. ...
  • #6. Rupi Kaur. ...
  • #7. Robert Kiyosaki. ...
  • #8. Hugh Howey.
Jun 27, 2022

How long do book royalties last? ›

How long do book royalties last? Usually, book royalties are paid out for the life of the copyright, which is typically 70 years after the author's death. Some publishers may include a clause in their contract that reduces the number of years they have legal ownership of your work.

Why is ghostwriting illegal? ›

In general, ghostwriting is legal because it constitutes an outsourced service, although the legality of ghostwriting may vary depending on the context and the jurisdiction. The fact is that there are no specific laws that directly address the practice of ghostwriting itself.

Did Michelle Obama use a ghost writer for her book? ›

Becoming is a memoir written by former First Lady Michelle Obama. The book was written by a ghostwriter and a team of people who helped finish the book. It was published in November 2018. In 2009, with the help of writer Lyric Winik, she wrote another book called American Grown.

Can a ghostwriter steal your story? ›

So, while the fear of a ghostwriter stealing your story may be valid, the truth is it's highly unlikely to happen. With a strong contract and mutual respect for confidentiality and intellectual property rights, the author and ghostwriter are meant to foster a successful and harmonious collaboration.

Are LinkedIn profile writers worth it? ›

The more visible you are on LinkedIn, the more people will learn about you and your professional achievements. Having a professionally written profile ensures that it's seen by more recruiters and employers who might be interested in hiring someone with your qualifications.

What are standard ghostwriting fees? ›

While ghostwriting rates depend on the writer's skill level, you should expect to pay about $50 to $75 for a 1,000-word blog post written by an entry-level professional. In comparison, expect to pay up to $250 for a blog of this length if you engage the services of more experienced ghostwriters.

Can you pay someone to write your LinkedIn? ›

LinkedIn Profiles FAQs

To have the best LinkedIn profile, many people hire writers to perform a complete LinkedIn profile makeover. A Linkedin profile writer is skilled at résumé writing and knows how to make the best optimized LinkedIn profile.

Is writing on LinkedIn worth it? ›

The Pros of LinkedIn Posts

If you post interesting and engaging content regularly, you'll build a strong brand on the platform pretty quickly. LinkedIn posts can also be a great way to drive traffic to your website or blog. If you include links in your posts, people can visit your site and learn more about your work.

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Author: Corie Satterfield

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Author information

Name: Corie Satterfield

Birthday: 1992-08-19

Address: 850 Benjamin Bridge, Dickinsonchester, CO 68572-0542

Phone: +26813599986666

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Table tennis, Soapmaking, Flower arranging, amateur radio, Rock climbing, scrapbook, Horseback riding

Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.