Chang Gang/Members & Connections (2024)

Bobby Brown
Core Member Bobby Brown was in Los Santos long before the creation of Chang Gang, and rolled with Garrett. He was originally hired by the Leanbois to infiltrate and spy on CG, but ended up joining the gang soon after this "mission" in 2018. He is known as the Triple OG and is the gang's crack cocaine kingpin. He is one of CG's business owners, owning Bob Mulet Salon and Barbershop.

Pablo Wealth
Full Member Pablo Wealth joined Chang Gang in 2019. When not hanging out or helping in jobs, he is often seen helping with Wu Chang Records activities or cooking meth. He sometimes acts as Mr. Kebun's personal bodyguard.

Karen Dahmer
Full Member Karen Dahmer was Mr. Kebun's "assistant" at his detective agency in the old city. She has been referenced by the core Chang Gang crew and is always acknowledged as a member of CG despite her absence from the city for over a year.

Wayne Biggaz
Full Member Wayne Biggaz is Chang Gang's weed kingpin and the mastermind behind the Changaloa Cartel's activities in Los Santos. He was the one and only "Head of CGA" and is the one who introduced Street Team into CG's crime syndicate. He was the gold medalist in the 2021 CG Olympics.

Anthony Murphy
Full Member Anthony "Anto" Murphy joined Chang Gang in 2020. When not hanging out or helping in jobs and heists, Anto often helps Wayne & Bobby in conducting CG's drug operations, especially weed. Mr. Kebun considers Anto on the same level as Wayne in terms of seniority in the gang.

Novah Walker
Full Member Novah Walker is a former East Side Ballas member who joined Chang Gang on December 8, 2020. She is regarded as the 'little sister' figure of CG and the gang is very protective of her. She supports CG's businesses and day-to-day activities. As a CG member that also has close ties to the HOA, she is one of the most protected people in the city.

Hutch Hutcherson
Full Member Hutch Hutcherson was officially acknowledged as a Chang Gang Associate on February 22nd, 2021, by Mr. Kebun, but he is essentially a full member. He is one of the most trigger-happy and most ride-or-die members of CG, expressing absolute loyalty to Mr. Kebun in particular. He sometimes takes it upon himself to either act as CG's main enforcer or main ambassador/messenger to other gangs. When he is not pitching business ideas, he is organizing/participating in street racing, flipping or scrapping boosted cars for , or doing bank robberies, shoot-outs with cops, or meth runs AKA a normal day in CG.

Curtis Swoleroid
Full Member Curtis Swoleroid is a former Leanbois member who was officially recognized as part of Chang Gang on August 29th, 2021, when he was given a chain by Mr. Kebun, with Taco calling the moment "the initiation". Curtis used to help Vinny push lock pick sets and guns while being part of The Chaos, but he now pushes switchblades, brass knuckles & katanas under Swole Creations.

Autumn Rhodes
Full Member Autumn Rhodes is Garret's girlfriend who joined Chang Gang in 2021. She is a good problem solver and has participated in robberies and heists with the gang. Autumn and Garret occasionally become CG's Human Resources representatives, seeking to solve any drama or disputes within the gang through dialogue.

Judd Lincoln
Full Member Judd Lincoln joined Chang Gang in 2021. He was given a chain for his loyalty and helping the gang on hacking for boosts and other jobs.

April Fooze
Full Member April Fooze managed to become a sugar baby to many Chang Gang members and did some of her first major crimes and bank robberies with Double R and Mr. Kebun. Mr. K surprised April with a CG chain and gave her the title "The Gold Digger". She is very loyal to the gang but is also a social butterfly, having many friends within CG but also Gulag Gang, the Cleanbois, and the police department, three groups that all have a rocky history with CG. She eventually began a relationship with Ramee, which became the talk of the town, before famously breaking up on The Kebun Springer Show. She and Ramee adopted Lil Bleach of Street Team. April remains a beloved, protected member of CG and has since become a successful Wu Chang Records artist and owner of a multi-million dollar company, Pixel Perfect.

Murphy Braun
Full Member Murphy Braun is known as the CG Lawyer, Murphy is Chang Gang's most trusted legal representation. Murphy has represented CG on multiple occasions, most notably their past murder trials. He was given a chain for his loyalty and for readily helping CG members during legal troubles. He was once disbarred for his participation in the 2021 CG Olympics.

Lil Erf
Full Member Lil Erf was a close friend of Mr. Kebun and other Chang Gang members for years. He was one of the first people to make a proper song about Chang Gang and was the first artist in Los Santos to sign to Wu Chang Records, in 2019, the same year he joined CG. He received his chain in 2021 and, though he does not visit Los Santos much, he remains a beloved, protected member of the gang.

Francis J Francer
Full Member Francis "Franny" J Francer is an ex-cop, a very good combat driver and tactician, and well known for "knowing a guy". He was close with Chang Gang for a long time before he received a chain in November 2021 and was confirmed to be a full member on December 18th after helping out with the CG Olympics; during the post event he was given the title of "Anal God" by Mr. Kebun. Francis owns Smol Dick Real Estate.

P Money
Full Member P Money spend months helping Flippy push guns, P Money was invited into The Chaos group by Vinny on December 6th, 2021. Was initiated into CG and given a Chang Gang chain after releasing his CG Anthem on December 17, 2021, with K saying "In honor we have to sacrifice a human, When someone is brought in, somebody's got to be set the f*ck out man". P Money has since become very loyal to CG and Wu Chang Records, which he oversees as the COO. P is one of the more level-headed, diplomatic members of CG, but he also respects and even promotes his gang's fearsome reputation through his lyrics.

Ray Mond
Full Member Ray Mond is best friends with April and has developed close friendships with Randy Bullet, Vinny, and Autumn. Like April, she began doing some of her first major crimes with Chang Gang in 2021, eventually becoming trusted among the group. She is roommates with Vinny, and he made her a thermite middlewoman for The Chaos. She received her CG chain in early 2022 and became a student/protégé for Randy and Chodie. After almost becoming a couple, Ray and Randy agreed to keep it sorta flirty, but not serious. She remains a beloved, protected member of the gang, despite not visiting Los Santos as much as she used to.

Chad Brodie
Full Member Chad "Chodie" Brodie is a former East Side Ballas member who became sort of a protégé to Wayne and has referred to himself as the CG Gardener, being heavily involved in Chang Gang's weed operations and helping them with anything weed-related. He rarely participates in heists but is far from a pacifist, being a willing and able shooter ready to ride with his boys or defend Little Seoul. He joined CG sometime in 2021, but received a chain in early 2022. He is one of CG's many business owners, founding the Bongjour smoke shop.

Capped Tarranova
Full Member Capped "Pigeon" Terranova started out in the city grinding oxy and was robbed by Ramee once, later on met up with Jaylen and joined ST, used to buy class 1s from Claire Seducer and sell them at cost until Randy found out and got him set up directly with Bogo so he could make money off them. Later on after ST dissolved he got close with Mr.K and Ramee while countinuing to do his own thing with guns, and was eventually given a chain by Mr.K and made a full member on May 9th 2023. 5 years later, Pigeon had initially lost contact with CG and was unclear about his direction. Eventually, he found his way back to CG and Mr. K, regaining their trust. On April 27, 2024, Pigeon was finally given a key to the CG house.

Zoey Levy
Full Member Zoey "Zolo" Levy was a Just Us member who was good friends with Randy Bullet, and when he got deported Randy continued to advocate for his return and made music with him. When he came back he attempted to revive Just Us with Hutch and Curtis helping him out financially, but it failed and he ultimately set sights on joining CG, with Mateo by his side. He was eventually given a chain by Mr.K and made a full member on May 9th 2023.

Tommy Tate
Full Member Tommy Tate was a good friend of many CG members during his time in The Mandem. CG helped him when he first came to the city, so he always had a lot of respect for them, in particular Mr. K and Ramee. Five years after he left the Mandem and blew up the block, he returned to the city with the intention of operating solo. However, he quickly found out that it would be incredibly difficult given how much money was needed. He then talked to Mr. K and Ramee about this, and they accepted his transfer request into Chang Gang. He was then taken to the backyard of their Cul De Sac house and beaten up by them with Pablo watching, sealing the initiation on Jan 8th 2024.

Daquan Dumas
Full Member Peanut was a good friend of many CG members during his time in NBC. After he left, Mr.K always brought up his absence anytime he ran into Guy Jones by asking 'Where's Peanut?'. Five years after he left NBC and it being dissolved, he returned to the city and instantly synced with Mr.K and Ramee. He got house keys, got them removed for 'dumb sh*t', stole a PD gun infront of MRPD for Mr.K, and a few weeks of getting better got house keys back. On the 18th of Febuary, 30 hr Chris was showing off some trick and flipped, with Mr.K getting handcuffed with a gun. Peanut(who had a warrant) returned to the scene and offered himself up in exchange for cops letting Mr.K escape. The next day in a big CG Meeting, he was initiated into CG with Mr.K saying 'You proved yourself to me man, and earned your motherf*ckin spot in the circle, the goddamn Chang Gang circle right here man'.

Carmella Corset
Full Member Carmella Corset is a long-time trusted affiliate and member of Chang Gang, enjoying strong ties and connections to the group. She frequently does heists or hangs out with the gang and is mainly friends with Vinny, Mr. Kebun, Mari Posa, CJ Parker, and Paris Argo. The gang enjoys joking around with her or having her tag along in the squad when possible. Carmella is also the ex-wife of one of the gangs core members, Ramee El-Rahman. She was confirmed to be CG during a Clown court case on January 31st 2024, where Ray Mond asked Mr.K on the stand if April was more CG then Carmella, and Mr.K responded with 'April was CG before Carmella, but I did know Carmella before April, therefore April has been in CG longer then Carmella'.

Arya Shah
Full Member Arya Shah was made a trusted affiliate of CG after ST was dissolved in the same CG meeting where Zolo was made a full member.

Bobby Porter
Full Member Bobby Porter was made a trusted affiliate of CG after ST was dissolved in the same CG meeting where Zolo was made a full member. He is very knowledgeable in the art of car escapes and usually teaches some of the other members new strats that can get them out of chases, especially from the PD.

Paris Argo
Full Member Paris Argo was made a trusted affiliate of CG after ST was dissolved in the same CG meeting where Zolo was made a full member. Known for her sharp wit and stinging comebacks, its more or less often you will find her in the mist of a Twatter war with some unfortunate soul.

Raymond Cain
Full Member Raymond Cain, former head chef at Maldinis, is a very talented cook and is also Mr.K's trusted clean person for his trailer in Sandy.

Gomer Colton
Full Member Gomer Colton, has known the gang for years, upon CG's return to Los Santos, Gomer would assist Mr K with his real estate business, Section K Real Estate however recently he has shifted towards Moonshine production and other illegal operations.

Stanley 'Lil Tuggz' Miller
Full Member Lil Tuggz, met the gang early on, disappeared for years, recently started rolling with them. It was discovered that Tuggz was supposed to return at the same time but he got sidetracked by someone offering him "a new playstation and all the games" and he was stuck overseas for another month or so, Now with Tuggz in the city he has gone back to hanging with the gang and rolling with them while also making moves to run the moonshine side of operations.

Marcell Miller
Full Member Marcell Miller is a trusted member of Chang Gang often helping members out wherever it is needed. He is generally very involved with the gang's legal business activities, such as creating logos, advertisem*nts. He does not often do heists or violent crime on his own, but is loyal and always willing to shoot for the gang or do a job if called upon, no matter how violent.

Adam 'AP' Peterson
Full Member Adam 'AP' Peterson is a former NBC member and racer for Yokai. When NBC disbanded, he spent a long time searching for a home while hanging out with his best friend Charles Johnson. Because of his friendship with Chawa, AP started hanging with CG more, which led him a part of the family.

Zaceed Skengerton
Full Member Zaceed Skengerton was a former leader of the Bay City Royals, associate of Seaside and the Cleanbois and former member of Gulag Gang. He runs CG's 2nd app with his own weed pushers, he also assists CG with bank jobs, specifically with hacking. Was acknowledged to be part of CG by Kebun on the 19th of April, 2024.

Chris King
Full Member Chris King was an employee of Konnected Telemarketing. He now helps CG with materials and weed.

Patar Bellosh
Full Member Patar Bellosh was is a former NBC member and Leader of the Mandem. He helps CG with acquiring materials and butcoin, as well as with pushing weed.

Richard Woytkiw
Full Member Richard was an acquaintance of Tessa, who was sent by Bobby Charles and Carmine to spy on Konnected Telemarketing. Now, he helps the gang through doing G6 runs and supplying them with guns. He also currently works as a member of the Department of Corrections.

Hazel Luna
Full Member Hazel Luna is Peanut's Boo and a former NBC associate. Helped a lot in securing G6 PNY Cards during the Maze Bank Heist. Hazel currently pushes weed for the gang.

Ellie Fletch
Full Member Ellie Fletch works closely with Vinny Pistone and was a former partner at Popular Motorworks. She currently helps grow weed for the gang, along with Pigeon, Vinny, and Raymond Cain.

Sal Rosenberg
Associate Sal Rosenberg is often seen hanging around in Little Seoul, people sometimes confuse him as Chang Gang because of how often he is seen in the area, but he is simply a friend of the gang and they regard him as an "OG" of Los Santos. He holds the title as April Fooze's biggest fan.

CJ Parker
Associate CJ Parker is a close friend and roommate of Mr. Kebun and always hangs out with the gang whenever she is awake in the city. She is a surprisingly good escape artist, somehow often managing to escape and survive whenever jobs go south, with cops and other gangs alike.

Alex Suarez
Associate Alex Suarez was a former Officer in the Los Santos Police Department. Known for his driving skills, he has often been seen assisting the boys in chases and assisting Lil Tuggz with his moonshine runs.

Jack Ripley
Honorary Member Jack Ripley has joked about being Chang Gang Associated for over 2 years and it is still partially a joke. After stealing a Chang Gang chain off of Garrett Jobless, Ripley was told by Mr. Kebun to keep the chain as he was CGA and deserved to wear it. He can be seen from time-to-time rocking the chain, mostly when off duty.

Tony Andrews
Honorary Member Tony Andrews

Bentley Harrison
Deceased Full Member Bentley Harrison was a early Full Member of Chang Gang, joining the gang in September 2017. He was killed by Denzel Williams.

Leah Ashe
Former OG Member Leah Ashe was an OG member of Chang Gang when it was founded in 2017. She is no longer part of Chang Gang due to prolonged inactivity.

Margaret Fox
Former OG Member Margaret Fox was an OG member of Chang Gang when it was founded in 2017. She is no longer part of Chang Gang due to prolonged inactivity. (Streamer got Permabanned for malding in the cells). Mr.K refers to her as his first 'shawty' whenever asked about old cg by newer members and people in the city.

Former Full Member Was an early member of Chang Gang, joining the gang in August 2017, Eventually left..

Allen Widemann
Former Full Member Allen Widemann was one of Chang Gang's original legal fronts or "clean guys". He showed his loyalty in the old city towards Chang Gang multiple times and used to handle the books for Vultur Lé Culturé and Wu Chang Records, along with handling paychecks for the 6STR Tuner Shop before eventually being fired from his positions. Allen was always known to disappear for several months at a time, resulting in him being threatened multiple times by various members of his removal from Chang Gang. As of April 2022, Mr. Kebun no longer considers him a part of the gang due to his absenteeism. He is no longer part of Chang Gang due to prolonged inactivity.

Robert Locksley
Former Full Member Robert Locksley was one of Chang Gang's two main legal representatives. Locksley wrote/sorted out contracts, managed spreadsheets, and handled legal matters for many CG members and their personal businesses. He was very meticulous and made sure every detail was discussed and fleshed out before any paperwork is signed. Locksley was recognized for his loyalty and history with CG when he was given a chain on the 24th of May 2022, the same day as Eugene Zuckerberg.

Jaylen Carter
Former Full Member Jaylen Carter had been close to Chang Gang for some time and supporting its members since day 1. Jaylen was given a chain by Mr. Kebun on February 14th, 2022. Being a CG member who was also the leader of Street Team, Jaylen was the main link between the two. On March 4th, 2022, when Randy asked if all of Hydra was CG and they and ST went to war with each other, Mr. K said "That's not gonna happen, Flippy is CG, Jaylen is CG, regardless of who else, those two are CG." Jaylen had only grown more loyal and closer to the gang over time, although he had moments where he was accused of not respecting his OGs. In July 2022, he stepped down as leader of Street Team to put more effort into the CG's activities.

Mari Posa
Full Member Mari Posa is a former Vagos member who joined Chang Gang in 2021. Mari is an ex-member of Hydra Gang, a full member of CG, and had helped Vinny push weapons as part of The Chaos. She has since become very close to Street Team and is an honorary member. Despite not visiting Los Santos as frequently as she used to, she remains a beloved member of CG. She is the owner and CEO of a popular interior design company, Morph Interiors, which she operates with Carmella Corset.

Eugene Zuckerberg
Full Member Eugene Zuckerberg became heavily involved with Chang Gang through being close friends with Wayne and helping him with his weed operations. As the months passed, he joined CG for many jobs, became trusted with their sensitive information and daily activities, helped out Mr. Kebun with The Jeweled Dragon, and funded their turf gang spray purchases. Having stayed alongside CG through good times and rough times, proving where his loyalties ultimately lie, Mr. K gave him a chain on May 24th, 2022, saying "You did a lot of f*ckin' work, about time you get some ice on your neck."

Miguel Almerion
Full Member Miguel Almerion is a former GSF and HOA member and OG member of Hydra Gang. He helped Vinny and Flippy with their Chaos gun running for many months before being initiated into Chang Gang and given a chain on January 23rd, 2022, with K saying "Welcome to the gang, baby." Being one of three Hydra members that are also in CG, he was given a chain for his loyalty and readiness to always help the gang when needed, and his connections. He is sometimes referred to as 'HydRamee' due to having a similar attitude and temper to Ramee.

Juan Carlos Hernandez
Full Member Juan "Flippy" Carlos Hernandez is a former Vagos member who was officially acknowledged as "part of the family" on July 11th, 2021, by Mr. Kebun. Flippy is Vinny Pistone's right-hand-man as part of The Chaos and is the leader of Hydra Gang, one of the main branches of the Chang Gang crime syndicate. Flippy is one of three Hydra members that are also in CG, serving as the main link between the two gangs. On May 29th 2023, after getting CG a meth lab, Mr.K gave him an OG Chain, officially making him a member of Core CG.

Fernando Reyes
Full Member Fernando "Mario" Reyes is a former Vagos member who helped Vinny push guns as part of The Chaos. He shares a similar history to Flippy, and like Flippy, Mario is one of three members of Hydra Gang that are also members of CG. He is a beloved member of both groups and is known for being excited whenever a gang war involving CG starts, always wanting a piece of the action. He is one of CG's business owners and owns the Ratshak storefront in Little Seoul.

Joe Kerr
Former Associate Joe Kerr meet Mr. Chang he became an honorary Chang Gang member, but was considered an actual member at one point. He was able to ride with the crew during crime up until the end of the old city.

Mike Kelagai
Former Associate Mike Kelagai previously did bank jobs and crime with Chang Gang. He almost joined the gang before going MIA.

Chad Kelagai
Former Associate Chad Kelagai previously did bank jobs and crime with Chang Gang along with his brother Mike before going MIA.

Joe Caine
Former Associate - Joe Caine is Chang Gang's cocaine connect.

Nacho Leebray
Former Associate He is one of Kevin's twitch mods and had rolled with CG back in the old server. Has flown into the new city a handful of times. Taco called him an "old friend" and left him at the apartments.

Niko Caropot
Former Associate Known associate of the crew. He was one of their major suppliers for guns, drugs, etc. He had also rolled with them from time to time, usually on call for any quick escapes required by Chang. No longer active.

Simon L. Harth†
Former Associate Former overseer of the Dark Web. He was very active at the beginning of the new server before Chang Gang burned him alive. The Death of Simon Harth

Rusty Johnson
Former Associate Rusty Johnson is Charles Johnson's brother, who participated in jobs and heists alongside Chang Gang. Was MIA for many months but made a brief return in May 2022.

Mario Le-Pipe
Former Associate Mario Le-Pipe was a close friend of Charles Johnson and close affiliation of the gang. No longer active.

Mel Rickenbacker
Former Associate Mel Rickenbacker was an affiliate in the past but his affiliation with the gang dwindled, and he is very rarely seen with the gang these days, but remains on positive terms with them.

Lana Valentine
Former Associate Lana Valentine had close ties to the core group of Chang Gang, however she experienced issues being able to grow close to them. After being solo she eventually joined the Mandem, which has had an impact on her relationship with CG. As an individual, she remains on generally positive terms with CG despite some rocky moments, but ultimately falls in line with whatever is the Mandem's attitude toward CG at the time, whether its animosity or neutrality/ambivalence.

Mickey S
Former Associate Mickey S had close ties to the core group of Chang Gang. He joined CG through his friendship with Mr. Kebun and was heavily involved in CG's heists and internal activities, with K considering him a protege of sorts. However, his loyalty to the gang ultimately came into question. He disobeyed gang leader orders regarding doing bank jobs with the Cleanbois while the two groups were not on good terms, lied about not doing it, and then failed to show loyalty by not following orders to shoot his friend Yuno Sykk, and was hence dropped out of a plane over the Clean Manor as punishment. He proceeded to call Randy the following day and announced he was leaving the gang. Mickey eventually joined the Cleanbois.

Individuals who provide support to Chang Gang and are acknowledged in a positive light by the gang from 1.0 to now:

The Besties
The Besties have a generally positive relationship with Chang Gang, helped by the fact they are neighbors on the Cul De Sac and the immense respect Mr. Kebun and Ming Jingtai have for each other going back to the Grape Gang days. They share all info and secrets with each other.

New Clown Order
The CG and Clowns have been locked in eternal War. They are often found starting random wrench fights, and rarely ever escalate to guns as they became more expensive after the economic collapse. With the addition of Ray Mond to the Clowns, fights between them have gotten more sporadic and members between both groups occasionally hang out together.

The Manor
The CG and and the Manor are neighbors on the Cul De Sac. After a rocky start to their relationship which included a few CG robberies, returning of items and more robberies, they are now in a healthy business relationsip. They got closer after the Company refused to fight for a crate with CG, the Manor had a fight with them about something else after and wiped them, and then Ramee stirred a diss track war between SK and OTT.

Hydra Gang
CG helped revive Hydra 5 years ago and invited them to live in LS with them. After a rocky start to their relationship which included a few CG robberies, returning of items and more robberies, they are now on neutral terms with the occasional business.

The Company and CG are on bad terms with each other, only working together in when it comes to business occasionally or taking part in one of mickeys events.

Chang Gang/Members & Connections (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.